Just data. And previous musings. Thoughts probably years old.
About autistics without anxiety disorders.
Or even the lack of constant anxiety as everyday factor.
But found nothing. For years now.
Save for a very few who uses psychedelics or meds and claim they don't deal with anxiety.
I've been looking for accounts where there's are autistics with no anxieties to supress, let alone deal to begin with.
Just how uncommon was that?
If there's nothing beyond that..
.. Then I'm truly alone and I'm forging a path very much away from most aspies for years now.
And I've already graduated from the personal contexts of autism myself.
Yet still, I do look for self care tips and...
.. Even NTs are more prone to anxiety than I'm.
Sure it's easy for me to be very stressed out just as another person with sensitivities, but the reactions of said stress?
It's not the same. Even less same when it comes to autistics.
It's something I kept in mind for years.
And why it is easier for me to apply and claim complete individual subjectivity -- because I'm truly am not like most aspies.
This is not a brag or some egocentric trip -- it meant a lot of accounts related to anxiety won't serve me well.
And quite also how I was able to tease a lot of things apart, because there's no anxiety that veiled me from it.
So, over 12 years of diagnosis... Nearly half my life now.
And over 10 years of the so called personal autism journey -- which ended sometime along the way recently.
Out of those years, I only had no more than 7 years long of dealing with anxieties similar to most aspies' accounts of daily living and interaction.
But it is still a good thirds of my whole life where I could've been more sympathetic about such accounts -- though, that fraction is already shrinking by the time I became an adult.
Sigh ..
Yeah, I'm being weirder than usual today.
My body is being weird again. So is my head.
And it's a puzzle I would have to solve myself and finish it someday.
On the other note, if things went really well, I'd finally be able to have my own space.
Unsure for how long, depends how long my sister stays abroad. Half a year seems a safe assumption.
Or a year. That is, if we don't move out.