aussiebloke wrote:
b9 wrote:
This made me sad

and I'm a near emotionless freak, you seem like such a nice guy , you are well liked around here.
it was not too bad. i was just melancholy about my father not being here, and i saw many things in a negative light. i listened to talkback radio that day as i was driving, and instead of the usual mildly interesting topics, they were talking about free christmas lunches for the homeless, and i realized some people have a truly bleak existence.
there was one old lady who called from a nursing home (one step beyond a retirement village where at least they have some fun), and she said her children had not spoken to her for a few years, and she said she understood because they have their families now, and that she did not want to burden them.
she knitted socks and other things all year to donate to the needy, and she said she felt as if she wanted to give something back to the world.
when the radio host asked whether she was appreciated by those she donated to, she said that her presents were collected by a courier who did not have time to stay and chat.
she spent the day alone, and she gave so much and no one cared. her children (in their 50's) did not even contact her. what a sad situation. i am also disabled emotionally (i feel nothing most of the time), but i got very sad at hearing her. she was such a nice old lady, and she seemed somehow grateful that the people who got her gifts (even though they would not know where they came from) would have a nicer christmas. wow. how can she be left out of the world ?!?!.
my situation is nothing like that.
aussiebloke wrote:
Perhaps next time go for fried eggs
i do not like being winked at, but i accept it in your case as not a condescending wink.
fried eggs would not do, because my mind was set on boiled eggs with toast strips dipped in the soft yolk (after the heads were chopped off). i like the taste of pure runny yolk as it is the most nutritious taste i have ever tasted.
i like fried eggs as well, but i only like fried eggs in accompaniment with either sausages or steak or bacon. fried eggs on their own are somewhat inadequate.
anyway, i decided on boiled eggs, and once i decide what i will be having, there can be no alternative. i can not change my mind after i make my mind up.
if i am thwarted in my preparation of what i have decided on, then i will eat nothing until the next meal time.
aussiebloke wrote:
or better yet scrambled tofu, but I wont go there. you don't need a self righteous vegan sanctimoniously telling you what to eat.
i know i do not need a self righteous vegan sanctimoniously telling me what to eat.
i perceived your suggestion as a suggestion and not a direction. i tried tofu once in an indian dish and i was not interested in the taste. it seemed kind of empty of nutrition in my mouth, and even though it was flavoured, it still seemed bland and lifeless.
aussiebloke wrote:
Actually you should try it what have you got to lose with the right recipe it's mighty tasty (I use turmeric to give that"egg" colour.) I know meat eaters who prefer the tofu scramble recipe , to the regular one
maybe i will try it again, but i am severely derailed if a planned meal i intend to eat is thwarted by my lack of enjoyment of eating it. i will not eat anything i do not like, and since i am unable to think of a contingency meal, i will go hungry until the next meal time.
aussiebloke wrote:
AKA period waste
"period" waste is menstrual blood, and eggs are not period waste in my mind. mammalian eggs are not the same as birds eggs (or reptiles eggs (although i would not eat a reptile egg because ................................. i just would not))
mammalian eggs are tiny little things that attach to the placenta (if fertilized) to tap into their mothers bodily nutrition via a fallopian tube.
birds eggs are self contained biospheres (as it were) that contain a large amount of nutrition so that the embryo can feed and grow in isolation until it is ready to break out of the shell.
un mated chicken's eggs are devoid of a blastula to need that nutrition, and so if nothing eats an unfertilized birds egg, that yolk goes to waste. birds lay eggs automatically, and they do not need to be mated to lay them. unmated birds lay sterile eggs, and i can not see a problem with consuming them for my own growth. i only eat chickens eggs because i have never tried any other eggs. i am interested in duck eggs, but i can not get enough information as to what they taste like.
aussiebloke wrote:
with mammal secretions which is what scrambled eggs are are they not ?
i assume you mean "milk" when you say "mammal secretions".
again, cows secrete milk whether or not they are nursing a calf, but in this instance i will agree that humans have caused cows to secrete milk when they have no calves to feed on it, so i think with respect to milk, that there is some validity to thinking poorly of milk.
because cows udders are sucked by a machine every day, it fools the cows systems to keep lactating continuously, and that is taxing on the cows body. the cows only need to give birth once per year in order to keep lactating, and instead of lactating for a few months, the machines keep them lactating 365 days per year.
milk is somewhat questionable i agree, but i like milk so much that ......yeah ok. i will accept i may be part of an evil machine as far as milk is concerned.
tonight i saw on a documentary something about "bobby calves" and it enraged me.
when a milking cow has it's yearly calf (that would tap in to the milk supply from it's mother (to the financial detriment of the farmer)), the calf is segregated with other bobby calves in a pen and starved for 30 days so they are very close to death (but not dead yet (thus avoiding a "sanitation crisis")).
then they are taken (they are so weak they are easier to handle) and slaughtered so cruelly, and i saw these "bobby calves" who were just innocent clumsy little baby animals who were manhandled into trucks on a documentary tonight, and i winced at the evilness that only humans can possess.
i want to buy a farm and dedicate it for bobby calves to live on so they cause no financial impediment to evil people, but there are hundreds of millions of them that are slaughtered every year.
the way the handlers treat them is like plastic bags of rubbish that they try to push into waste chutes.
they shove them by banging their backsides with their fists to get them into the churner.
please do not watch this if you are weak. i am weak and i can not watch most of it.
i hope i do not get banned for this, but if i am banned, then it was worth it.
i expect that if there is a heaven, those people should not be allowed there.
you are ok in my mind aussie bloke. i do not care what other people think of you. i think you are ok.