Two hours ago, I was trying to take a bowel movement at work, when a precious lil "person" had the nerve to reach under the partition and grab my ankle. I screamed. The lil dipshit wisely like it was the funniest thing in the solar system. "Please do not do that again". He did not answer, but he did stick his foot under the partition a couple more times. The day laborers at work often burst out laughing whenever I come near them, or whenever a car nearly runs over my worthless corpse.
Briefly considered tattling to the cops or security guard. (At least two overtime cops are on duty at my slave plantation at all times. Plenty of security guards). Did not. A long time ago, a cop told me that he had to ask a lot of questions and take down my ID because he was required to do so by his job, even when someone is not under arrest.
The lil dipshit did not do anything illegal that I know of, thus far)
I did not see who he was
No physical evidence
So there is no point of trying to have an unnecessary conversation with cops or security, over something that is not illegal, that someone I don't recognize allegedly did, without physical evidence
Dumpster fire job
Occupational hazard
On the bright side, my worthless corpse has worked here over one year and I am surprised nobody has raped me or run over my worthless corpse with a car, this far. Maybe tomorrow