I can't follow movies because of ADHD, primarily. Even if it's a movie that I enjoy, or something like a 30 minute Christmas cartoon, I lose focus in the first five minutes. I've been known to put shows like Frosty the Snowman on about 10 times in a row without being able to pay attention for the entire story, and then give up. When it's a complex movie especially with special effects, explosions, gunfire, and constant "conflict", I completely check out. I can focus on the first five minutes when everything's calm, but then I get characters mixed up because I'm face blind. As soon as the conflict starts I know it's just going to be bang-bang-bang-kill-scream-shoot until the big music calms down and there's some sort of happy ending.
My daughter loves these two movies (Amazing Spiderman) so I did it for her. Just being in the room was too much, even though I wasn't really watching. All I know about the two films combined is that some guy (nameless?) who was an orphan turned into SpiderMan somehow, and he did a bunch of noisy things presumably with bad guys, near the Brooklyn Bridge. He liked a blonde girl (nameless?) who kissed him a lot but always seemed to be breaking up with him. Oh and there was an uncle and aunt. I liked Sally Field but I have no idea why she was in the violent part at the end. I thought she was a homemaker?
Subtitles - No, because I don't / can't look at the screen enough to read. I have to rely on listening without looking, when movies are on. I only look up occasionally.
Backlight - It's not usually such an issue, unless in movies like this there's sheer mayhem with lights, colours, and confusion. It's ironic but my daughter has Epilepsy and I don't. I don't know how she can watch that kind of thing without having a full-on seizure.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.