what i am about to say did not make me unhappy, but it made me feel unnecessarily stupid.
preamble: i bought a chip delivery business from a person called "michael", and he is the owner of a depot that supplies me with the products i need to get my drivers to deliver to my customers.
he knows i have asperger syndrome because i had to tell him because he was baffled by my personality. after i told him, he became nicer to me, and he understood why i was not all "matesy" at the depot when i showed up.
anyway, the more my customers order, the more stock i order from him and the more money he makes, and he is satisfied that my customers trust me and want to stay with me as their supplier.
sometimes, when he asks me a question, i overload him with too many words in my answer, and he says things like "yeah mate...i'm pretty busy so can you get to the point?".
he does not have much time for my gabble, but he does accept me, and he is a person who is always only interested in business, and he curtails my gabble every time.
end of preamble----------------
on new years eve, i got a text message from his phone which said exactly this
"Happy new year for 2012, wish you were here with us have a great night michael, isabelle nadine and sabrina xxxooo"
when i read it, i was surprised that he thought so well of me, and i replied "thanks micheal", but then i became confused as to why he would post such a message to me.
i wondered why he would post "xxxooo" because that is totally not his style of interaction with me. he is not homosexual or in anyway emotional with me, and i started to think that the message was not meant for me. when i read the message again, i saw that my name was not in it, and i suddenly realized that he had chosen the wrong number to send that message to.
very awkward times will soon follow i am sure.