What's the last weirdest dream you had?

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what's the last weirdest dream you had, by type?
*I dream weird Technicolor dreams most of the time! :jester: 14%  14%  [ 88 ]
*I dream mostly vivid but totally "normal" dreams generally. :salut: 11%  11%  [ 71 ]
*I tend to dream "average" blah dreams. :| 4%  4%  [ 26 ]
*I generally dream in vivid colors and sounds :jester: 14%  14%  [ 89 ]
*I tend to dream in average/subdued colors and subdued/muted sounds :| 5%  5%  [ 32 ]
*I dream only in shades of gray. :| 0%  0%  [ 3 ]
*I never seem to remember my dreams. :| 9%  9%  [ 60 ]
*I have mostly good dreams :) 9%  9%  [ 56 ]
*I have mostly nightmares or night fillies :help: 11%  11%  [ 71 ]
*I LUCIDLY DREAM! :star: :colors: 14%  14%  [ 93 ]
*I wanna nice yummy ice cream! :chef: 9%  9%  [ 57 ]
Total votes : 646


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03 Feb 2022, 6:15 am

I mostly just dream of loved ones throughout my life and some bad things from the same (things are always different, even if close enough), otherwise I don't really dream. Most are nightmares. Loved ones are some of the good ones, though I can wake up feeling bad if it's past life stuff (I don't always feel bad). I guess my subconscious doesn't have much of an imagination, nor does it care too much about other things.


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03 Feb 2022, 12:55 pm

auntblabby wrote:
i know of at least one woman who had a sex dream.


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03 Feb 2022, 1:56 pm

Is sexual experience a prerequisite to having a sex dream? :lol:

I think my knowledge and imagination on the topic are sufficient, and my dream history says I'm capable of dreaming things far outside my experience, but mostly my dreams are pulled from things I've experienced. So, no sex dreams. Sexually embarrassing things? Yes. Sex? No.


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03 Feb 2022, 11:37 pm

TenMinutes wrote:
Is sexual experience a prerequisite to having a sex dream? :lol:

I think my knowledge and imagination on the topic are sufficient, and my dream history says I'm capable of dreaming things far outside my experience, but mostly my dreams are pulled from things I've experienced. So, no sex dreams. Sexually embarrassing things? Yes. Sex? No.

if you heard sex [even something like people noisily rutting next door through a thin wall separating apartment units] or watched porn, your brain can and will fill in the blanks and give you a sex dream, eventually. this happened to me.


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06 Feb 2022, 3:30 am

I have a '64 pickup that I haven't driven in a while. My intention has been to fix it up if and when I retire. It has been parked out on the farm waiting for me. Around it has been a number of other cars we've driven over the years. Many of them are pretty much total wrecks.

I found out two or three weeks ago that my brother and his youngest daughter allowed someone else to take it. Not once did they think to ask me for my permission. I found out when he came in to pay for it at some ridiculously low price. When he said something about fixing up cars from the farm, I told him that was fine with me but not to touch my pickup. He considered it the best vehicle on the farm and that was the first one he took and fixed up.

At this point, I don't know if I'll get it back. I definitely would have legal recourse, but I'm not about to file theft charges against my younger brother and his youngest daughter.

So last night I had a dream. I was on the farm when the guy brought my pickup back. Instead of fixing it back up as a farm pickup, he had fixed it up as a very grotesque art car. In the dream, I was really ticked off with what they did to it and told him to get it off the farm.


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06 Feb 2022, 8:37 am

Last night.

I can't mention the nightmare stuff that comes in as if switching channels (everything is based in reality to some extent for me):

A long highway, under sunny skies and flanked by trees. I was driving a car with someone next to me, and she was holding my hand as I was smiling at her. No idea where we were going. My old dog was in the back of the car. Just those few moments, but it felt like forever. Me driving is probably the weird bit. My old dog came and put his head against mine during the nightmare portion and that's all I remember.

I didn't feel bad after this one even with the nightmares and dreams coexisting.


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06 Feb 2022, 5:27 pm

Violent Content! Reader discretion is advised!

I dreamt that my NT sister and I were at a wedding enjoying ourselves and having a great time. We enjoyed talking to people and making new connections.

After the reception, we went back to our hotel room and standing before us was our mom deranged as if she wanted to kill someone. We hid someplace safe, but our mom kept following us with a sledgehammer in her hands.

We called the front desk, but the line was cut. Our mom found us and killed my NT sister by smashing her head in.

I ran into the bathroom as she destroyed everything in her way.

She smashed the bathroom door and shouted, "AQUI ES JOHNNY!"

I slashed her wrists. The dream finished and I woke up.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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06 Feb 2022, 6:24 pm


Lay off of reading Stephen King for a while. Give away that "Shinning" DVD.


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06 Feb 2022, 7:38 pm

I went to a pizzeria, to get my favourite pizza for take out.

The man served it to me sliced in pieces and piled high onto one of my mother's kitchen plates from when I was little.

I wasn't sure if I was supposed to keep the plate or pay extra for it. Also I forgot to tip him on the card-tap payment machine and I didn't have any cash.

I wondered if I could just start a new purchase transaction for the plate, and add the tip to that.

Mostly I was upset that all the pizza would fall off the plate in my car, or it would get cold.

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13 Feb 2022, 7:40 pm

I was at some house made of wood and metal. And there was this black medium sized dog.

Not sure if it's my house or if I own the dog in the dream. In real life, I neither did.

Turned my back elsewhere. Only to find my bag on the floor, some parts were bitten and is covered in piss.
Normally in real life, I'd be angry. I wasn't.

The pee even went to my damn mouth. :x
Dream self felt like she's gonna cry and is a softie trying to forgive.

Real life self is just very annoyed. Reminds me why I should never get a dog ever.

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13 Feb 2022, 8:52 pm

Dogs are good [to me] if they're the loyal and protective types that don't like much attention. My old one didn't like being touched and rather just stood next to you or went ahead searching for things, and he'd protect you to the death. He hated most everyone else outside of family he lived with.

Good traits there. I dream of him often.


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16 Feb 2022, 5:53 am

a while ago i dreamt my recently departed [for the afterlife] dad called both me and my mom's names while i was sleeping and got woken up. both me and mom compared notes afterwards.


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16 Feb 2022, 8:50 pm

I'll piece it together best I can.

I was alone in my house. Someone announced that my trauma-person was outside, claiming he owned the house and all of my belongings. He was trying to get inside and kick me out. I've had that dream before but this time it wasn't scary like usual. I can't remember if I saw him, but he morphed into being my ex-husband (split for 25 years). My ex-h also wanted to come in the house and take it. We were arguing and having a battle of wills because I kept outsmarting him with legal terms. I think my daughter was there at this point, but in real life they're estranged and don't speak. I think she was standing up to him just like I was. Then a lot more things happened that I can't remember lol.

He ended up walking along the top of a stone wall with his niece. She's about 20 and I've never even met her, but in the dream she was about five and I did know her very well. He was threatening that he was going to push her over the side of the stone wall, down a steep embankment, if I didn't give him what he wanted. I was worried about his niece but I knew it was just a ploy to manipulate me.

Then my ex morphed into being someone else again ... an exbf who is still my friend. We were trying to evacuate from a hotel (another recurring dream theme). He was upset because I was gathering pillows but they all had ivy growing out of them. He kept saying "I hate pillows made of ivy!!", and I realised that I hated them too. Somehow I'd never noticed how annoying it was to have ivy sticking out of my pillows.

Then he morphed into my current partner, and we snipped the ivy out of the pillows with purple gardening shears. He kept telling me it was all just a dream, and it was time to wake up.

We all lived happily ever after.

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17 Feb 2022, 2:31 am

^^^you have, absolutely, the most creatively transcendent dreams i have ever read. :star:


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17 Feb 2022, 3:17 am

Some life stuff (life is but a dream)
On my back on the ground, my old dog nudges me and tries to pull me by my collar
I recall dragging myself to cover and hearing screams
My old psychiatrist walked up to me as I was lying there on my back behind cover and told me, 'You are on my road now.'
Switch to the hospital where some cleaners stole some of my hidden dollars (yeah, and they did)

Old dog isn't connected, albeit he used to be my walking companion through the woods and mountains (miss you, buddy). The psychiatrist is the weird bit, and I can take what my subconscious meant there with the words to me a few ways, and all are correct.


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18 Feb 2022, 7:07 pm

naturalplastic wrote:

Lay off of reading Stephen King for a while. Give away that "Shinning" DVD.

Sorry, it unfortunately did not work. :oops:

As I've mentioned in other threads here on WP, I believe my mom has anger issues
that she refuses to acknowledge especially after my NT sister was diagnosed with
Generalized Anxiety Disorder in the latter part of 2017.

When our mom found out, she threw a fit and has been in denial.

I was diagnosed with GAD two years before my NT sister in the Summer of 2015.
When our mom found out, she also threw a fit.

Off Topic
Does this mean our mom may have mental health issues herself? :?

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!