I wrote:
I'm in an affectionate mood
I wrote:
& I have no partner to cuddle with
I wrote:
I really do NEED a
I wrote:
mormon boyfriend
Moreso than that, I can't find an apartment...I don't even know if I'm admitted, it's 12 days away. I HATE MY LIFE.
A bit overdramatic? Well this conflict affects the the one above as well as my weight, mental sanity, and future. Hmmmmmmmm, and I have executive dysfunction, so I can't get anything done. my parents say I'm lazy...but every time I try, I screw it up...added onto this list...trying to get my transcripts the 2nd time. (my dad got them eventually) and trying to get an apartment.
I basically fail at life and I wouldn't be surprised if I'm still 30 and living in my room at home.
I'll probably be one of the few girls to which that happened to.
At least it will prove my boyishness.
I am also sore and need new running shoes and am risking running tonight with the old ones because I need to run....I DO NOT want to get injured again.
OH, and Executive dysfunction:
Executive dysfunction appears to consistently involve disruptions in task-oriented behavior, which requires executive control in the inhibition of habitual responses and
goal activation Impairments in set shifting ability are a notable feature of executive dysfunction;
set shifting is the cognitive ability to dynamically change focus between points of fixation based on changing goals and environmental stimuli. This offers a parsimonious explanation for the common occurrence of
hyperactive, disorganized, and
aggressive behaviour in clinical patients with executive dysfunction
Go die in a ditch if you're a b*tch, if you're a jerk, go to work, if you're just mean, flee the scene, and if you're rude, go ahead and intrude because you're probably just like me.