longshot wrote:
Readydaer wrote:
I can feel myself withdrawing. I'm so lonely.
I actually do feel like that, as I have no friends in my mundane life from a brutally honest standpoint; which is why I tend to come here to not feel downhearted.
I do have ND friends, but I just feel...no connection with them. Other than talking about whatever, essentially none of my interests align with theirs. I'm in a book club and even then I kind of isolate myself. I'm also in a neurodiversity club but it doesn't meet often enough for me to consider it a friend group. I'm a talented fiction writer, but I'm not an author by any means and have no plans to become one, besides eventually publishing my one book. I'm good at playing things by ear on keyboard (and flute? I haven't touched it in a long time) and am an exceedingly quick music learner, but I'm not a prodigy at any instrument! I'm pretty good at video games, but not good enough to make money off of it. My talents are either completely useless in the real world, not talent-y enough to make use of them, or not specially-interested enough to apply myself, and I just want to CONNECT with other girls my age.
My god. jelly donuts are so scary.