TenPencePiece wrote:
AmazingMess wrote:
People seem to be like.. "you're new here so we're going to try to get you to leave. Go away, you don't have Asperger's."
That's very surprising if true.
The whole forum's supposed to be about support, but this thread is about making people feel less unpopular, I guess.
Not sure if it classifies as true but as a new member I've seen a few exchanges in WP that made me feel the same way as AmazingMess. I've seen messages where members said things like "you're too good looking to be an aspie", "some people want a diagnosis to be cool" and other things among those lines. It is sad because I saw WP as a place full of people "like me", but I do realize I was too hopeful and trying once more to fit in, to find my place somewhere (It won't happen I just don't fit period).
Anyway, I decided there is a lot of people here and some great and not so great topics, so I'll to stick around and contribute when I believe I have something relevant to say.
"Keep walking", if you can.
Aspie-quiz, Aspie 167/200, NT 48/200
Non-d'xd person, only "very likely an Aspie".