TenMinutes wrote:
funeralxempire wrote:
TenMinutes wrote:
I have another, entirely different voice when I scream, lol. I wear out my voice pretty fast screaming, though. I'm told we can fix that.
Do you mean screaming like harsh vocals? If so there's definitely proper technique to learn that will avoid significantly stressing your voice. Ideally you shouldn't be using your vocal cords at all for harsh vocals, it's all either vocal fry or false vocal cords.
I don't mean the throaty low growl sometimes used in metal or industrial music. Not sure how that's done. Is that vocal fry?
I mean just singing very loudly, almost to the point or slightly beyond the point of my voice breaking. I can go up in pitch doing that (false vocal cords?) but I also mean midrange yelling.
Fry gets used mostly for the really low stuff. Like the low vocals in death metal, or if you speak or sing in a creaky voice.
I think most other stuff is done mostly with false vocal cords. If you're introducing a bit of breakup into a sorta rough sounding singing that'll be done using the false vocal cords, but I think that involves the vocal cords as well. The 'gruffness' shouldn't come from the vocal cords even if they're also contributing to what you're producing.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.