colliegrace wrote:
Posted in r/disability to ask how the disability application process works.
Among some kinda cranky type responses (why?), one bloke outright told me "you're not disabled, go to the gym and eat healthier and this will all resolve".
Right. I have official work accommodations and a case worker for no reason I suppose. And I'm so sure that sensory overload will go away if I just work out three times a week, seems logical.
Anyways, blocked that douchecanoe after a while cuz he kept misgendering me even after being corrected twice. (If you insist on not calling me by they/them pronouns, I am ok with she/her. It's not ideal, but it doesn't bother me. Just don't use he/him, I will stab you.)
I have actually had good experiences with the specific reddit communities I tend to interact with until today. What bug bit r/disability's ass tho?
The people in the thread were generally right; it isn't easy to get disability, especially as you're already in work. It's one thing to say you're getting burnt out or the work affects your health negatively, but they'd probably want to see evidence of that happening so much that you couldn't work at all (for example, if you got so burnt out the you had a mental breakdown, you couldn't work
any job and your therapist confirmed you were in no state to work). It might still be worth applying, because you never know, but maybe that's why the people in the thread were being quite stark about it - it's the harsh truth and its probably affected many of them too.
Often with a lot of medical issues, but especially mental/invisible disabilities, you have to let it get way worse before you they'll give you the help you need - at least that's the way it is over here. I think it's hard for neurotypicals to understand how taxing it is just to stay afloat sometimes, so as long as you're 'managing' (having a job, going outside, not looking a total wreck etc.), you might have a hard time convincing people you're struggling at all.
Hell, I even had one Dr say in my diagnostic process that she didn't think I could be autistic just because I work lol, and I work the same job as you by the sounds of it (although I just took a new one elsewhere). Thankfully every other professional seemed more enlightened.
I don't say all this to mean that you should give up, just, I read the thread and there seemed to be very much a consensus on the issue.