Joined: 27 Jan 2021 Age: 45 Gender: Male Posts: 4,857 Location: Durotriges Territory
04 Dec 2023, 6:15 am
I like that Ella sings the original lyric "Until then we'll have to muddle through somehow" after '...fates allow'. It makes so much more sense the "Hang a shining start upon the highest bough" version. And makes it a little sad. Which I imagine is why it was changed. But it's better.
_________________ The world is a big place where things happen almost every day.
My dad was in palliative care in hospital, dying. It was Dec 18th. (He died six days later on the 24th.)
I was there alone with him and I had a CD player, playing Elvis' Christmas music to comfort him. He couldn't move or speak by that point. I was singing along quietly with this song, and massaging his feet to keep them warm.
Suddenly I heard a sniff and turned to find two of my uncles had come for visiting hours. They were just standing there silently in the doorway watching the scene unfold.
When I saw them we all burst into tears. It was my dad's sister's husband and his cousin. My dad didn't have brothers but these men were like family to him, and helped me stand guard, like faithful soldiers.
RIP Dad, Uncle Ed, and Uncle Frank
_________________ I never give you my number, I only give you my situation. Beatles