We do not have night crawlers. The worms that tolerate our climate are called red worms and they are much smaller than night crawlers.
I don't know what Catalpa trees are in regards to fish bait. Please elaborate!
I find solace in my garden and working in my garden. In a way, gardening is one of the optimistic activities a person can do. Putting a seed in the ground on the off chance that it will grow, avoid pests, fungi, bacteria, caterpillars, too much rain, not enough rain, etc., and will end up producing something edible or beautiful; that is optimism.
Here are some photos for general interest. These are the inflorescences of two bromeliads, which are quite large. The generic name is Achmea, but I no longer know the specific name. The first one is taller than I am. The second is also almost as tall as I am.
Hummingbirds like both. I never realized until a few years ago, that some bromeliads are nectar sources for humming birds.
The river is the melody
And sky is the refrain - Gordon Lightfoot