I got a new laptop the other day. (I'll never buy a HP laptop again -- I am severely restricted on which operating systems I can install.)
So I'm thinking about a good name for it.
So far, I have computers and laptops named fido (foreign intruder defense organism) and fluffy (the three headed guard dog from Harry Potter) as firewalls (they run OpenBSD on normal servers); guardian and colossus (Forbin Project), multivac (Isaac Asimov), and excelsior (check out Jean Shepherd's radio shows) as servers, Hal9000 for my workstation, and diamondback and e2ipi10 (e^(2*pi*i)+1=0) as laptops.
I'm thinking of naming it huey, renaming diamondback to be dewey, and renaming e2ipi10 (when I get around to putting a new screen on it) to louie. Those sound rather trite, though.
So I'm thinking that what I really need is to write an animated wallpaper for a laptop (but I really don't have time to do it) of a rattlesnake that watches the mouse move around and also rattles when it detects motion via the camera.
I use diamondback almost entirely to test and reprogram equipment.
Until I used e2ipi10 when away from the office, often while eating at restaurants (yep, I'm one of those) to connect back to my office network. The new laptop is to take over that job. At one hamburger/pizza joint that I used to go to most, I would often sit in the first booth with my back to the cashier. Everyone standing in line to order could look at the laptop over my shoulder. I wonder what kind of reactions I'd get if there was what appeared to be a live rattlesnake on the screen and rattling when it detected motion.