Hi Feralucce! I had a quick look at the blocked thread about looks or something in General where some disagreement happened. It did look pretty heated and I'm sorry that your good intentions were not understood by other people. I don't want to take anyone's side, but I do understand your frustration because I believe you were truly well-intended. That kind of thing happens sometimes on- and offline. But please don't be discouraged from voicing your opinions. As long as you have a good intention, you shouldn't have to feel guilty or hold back your opinions. I admit I tend to hold back my opinions sometimes just because I can't handle arguments and the subsequent depressing feeling. Not all the people are the same.
Hi PrncssAlay! I know what you mean. The same thing happens to me, too. If I open my mouth, even if I'm well-intended, friendly and polite, I manage to be misunderstood completely and people get angry, rude and hostile. I think it's not just my words that people are receiving from me, but also my tone of voice, body language etc as well. With wrong non-verbal components of communication, you can easily offend people, even if it's their misunderstanding. It's not fair, but it's reality. That's why I tend to avoid getting involved in conversations.
Hi Ten! Thanks for the long post responding to various people! I'm truly surprised that you feel ignored. I perceive you as a funny, friendly and nice poster. So if you are ignored, I think it just means that people happened to fail to pay enough attention to your post, which happens to all of us. I sense all people here are rather fond of you.
Andras! Thanks for the link to the big picture of your avatar. I saw it. I agree with you. The boy is actually smiling. He seems to be actually enjoying dealing with the monsters. And his facial expression somehow doesn't look inappropriate for that situation. Now I fully understand you. I think when a picture is resized such a subtle thing as a facial expression can easily be altered. I also noticed that a cute cat is behind the boy.
Hi equestriatola! I don't think you are unloved. I don't know what makes you think that.