Yes, I do. In fact, I consider Tesla my kindred spirit. To wit:
1. Same birthday - July 10
2. Same mental health issues - Autism, depression, OCD, sleep-deprived psychosis
3. Same marital status - both single, and same level of sexual activity - asexual
4. Same intense preoccupation with multiple interests. Our difference is I lean towards the arts and he towards electricity although we do cross when it comes to deep interests in inventions (I designed a perpetual machine but haven't physically realized it. I also designed guitars).
5. Both of us are loners
6. Both of us are highly misunderstood
7. Both of us are visionaries (see my website for a list predictions)
8. Both of us are closer to animals, birds specifically, than other humans
9. Both of us are alcoholics although Tesla stopped as he got older because he wanted to live to see 100.
10. Both of us are immigrants to the US
11. Both interested and practiced in Jain, or Jain-type, philosophy.
12. Both occasionally speak and write in 3rd person.
13. Both have lucid dreams and suffer from bizarre, frightening nightmares
Do you think Trump will make a great president?