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12 Nov 2016, 8:24 pm

Not exactly.. But I do like poetry though.

Do you think autistic persons tend to be bullied more often?

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12 Nov 2016, 8:31 pm

I don't know. I wasn't bullied but I think people tried on occasion. I have the advantage of a quick wit and a vicious temper, so those people backed down. I know a lot of people on WP weren't as lucky, though I cannot say whether autistics are more bullied than regular kids.

Same question.


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12 Nov 2016, 8:45 pm

Yes, I was bullied but not in the physical sense rather the mental/psychological form mind you which is just as bad and long lasting to a certain extent.

These days I do my best to not let anyone torment me regardless of what form it might take, though I'm not super good at it never less, I've managed to remain intact as a human being.

What do most people think of you in general?

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12 Nov 2016, 8:56 pm

They probably see me as quiet, but I am far from that when given a chance to have an actual conversation I can enjoy taking part in.

What is one positive trait that you feel living with ASD has given you?

"I was born in a world where I don't fit in, so I guess the only choice is make a new one"


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12 Nov 2016, 10:08 pm

I enjoy my ability to be creative and think things up in my head.

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13 Nov 2016, 2:27 am

Its a little hard to say as i have never experienced someone else's consciousness but being an individual that has literally been an observer my entire life and not fall foul to the sheep mentality of agreeing with something/somebody just to fit into that social circle i have in effect formed my own individual views on the world based on facts and not social pressure... Hence i think why some people like talking to me to get an opinion as i will not tell them so much what they want to hear or what society expects but a view point based on my own personal observations and experiences...

I also have a very deep level of thinking to most and seems obvious in conversations at times that some people dont like to hear truths and are happy living a somewhat illusion lifestyle not wanting to really know whats happening around them, in essence, living the NT bubble.. I can also be good in situations that some people fall foul to emotionally, for instance my time with the coastguard, as soon as my pager went i would be focused on the job without emotion getting in the way of tasks only to watch some individuals running round like headless chickens because they were unable to deal with certain situations, which in itself is a little ironic because as soon as you take me away from that job, im a general wreck socially! lol. However i was good at my job and knew what to do and to me that is a strength especially when peoples lives are on the line and every second counts...

I have a very deep appreciation for life, people and humanity and can see from an observational point of view how far down the girgler humanity is going... If i wasn't on the spectrum i dont think i would have the varied interests that i have which i enjoy... I hate the constant feeling that that my heart has been wrenched out and that never goes away, just differs in intensity depending on the situation and the fact i have no real close friends to pop round and chill with but i am starting to feel ok with that now and have realized i was taught the importance of social interaction from a young age and therefore became somewhat obsessed with trying to fit in and please everyone!. Now that i understand myself a little better this pressure doesn't control my life as it used to, it still is very hard but i have come to appreciate my time without as much guilt.

I like how i can sit on certain projects and not stop till its done while others have to go out for lunch breaks or breaks in general, when i am focused im pretty damned focused :)

I still have a number of difficulties but i have forgiven myself for many areas where in essence i never really needed to forgive myself i just needed tot realise i was a unique human being that doesn't fit in with the sheeple..

I understand pain and dont like to see people feel that pain also so will often happily listen to them without prejudice while their 'friends' sit near by and tell them to 'get over it' or toughen up etc grrrrr.

I like being different despite the hardships that often come with it. It is who i am and i know no different so all i can do is work on accepting myself more and try not to worry or listen to how others think i should lead my life!

Same question :)


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13 Nov 2016, 12:49 pm

I would say "obsessions" are a positive trait for me, because then I'd practice what it has, like since a lot of my obsessions are "music-related", it makes me want to start practice drumming.

What are things you like about obsessions but also dislike about them?

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13 Nov 2016, 1:19 pm

I have a few obsessions. I'm very interested in learning about man's historical use of torture and punishment devices. I also maintain an extremely large collection of solo piano and orchestral music from the Romantic era. Thus far, I have music from about 550 composers, a few of them being from the Baroque, Classical, and post-Romantic era.

What I find difficult about my obsessions are I can't find anyone who is interested in them. No one I know ever wants to hear about the book Martyrs Mirror, care what 'hang, drawn & quartered means', or why the Romans rarely used lions and tigers in their gladiatorial rings to execute prisoners. (There was no sport in it as the big cats killed their victims too quickly, spoiling the fun for the spectators). Also, how many people want to talk about the obscure Romantic composers like Felicien David or Giovanni Paisiello.

When was the last time you had Chinese food?


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13 Nov 2016, 6:30 pm

I think it was when my family went on vacation in August.

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13 Nov 2016, 6:37 pm

It's been several months now.

Have you ever experienced abuse any in form in your life?

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13 Nov 2016, 6:42 pm

Yes, I have.

What do you do during the Christmas season?

A memory is something that has to be consciously recalled, right? That's why sometimes it can be mistaken and a different thing. But it's different from a memory locked deep within your heart. Words aren't the only way to tell someone how you feel.” Tifa Lockheart, Final Fantasy VII


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13 Nov 2016, 6:50 pm

I usually do the same thing as usual. But we usually get together with family sometime, there's a special church service on Christmas Eve, and of course we exchange presents on Christmas.

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13 Nov 2016, 6:54 pm

[b]I don't really know hopefully I can put some distance from a stress inducing person.

Do you try to do your best despite other people's objections to your actions?

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13 Nov 2016, 6:56 pm

I always try my best, but sometimes I get pulled along with other peoples' negativity or expectations.
same question

A memory is something that has to be consciously recalled, right? That's why sometimes it can be mistaken and a different thing. But it's different from a memory locked deep within your heart. Words aren't the only way to tell someone how you feel.” Tifa Lockheart, Final Fantasy VII


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13 Nov 2016, 7:00 pm

Yes, I've had people whom constantly think that nothing good will come about with anything I try to do.

Is there places you would love to journey back to if possible?

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14 Nov 2016, 7:33 am

I've not been there yet, but I would like to go to Machu Picchu.

Same question?

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