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DirkGently69 Veteran
Joined: 12 Nov 2021Gender: MalePosts: 910Location: Australia
I spewed and had a hot shower. I feel so much better now. You look at your own post because you are looking for something to reply to. I haven’t had rhubarb pie in forever. I miss it.
babybird Veteran
Joined: 11 Nov 2011Gender: FemalePosts: 78,303Location: UK
Yeah I want fruit pie for my tea one day
TwilightPrincess Veteran
Joined: 28 Sep 2016Age: 40Gender: FemalePosts: 30,387Location: Hell
I've been hungry for rhubarb pie too.
I'm a bit scared of rhubarb pie in case there might be a rhubarb leaf in it by mistake
Only amateur pie makers chop too far up the rhubarb stalk. I’ve never encountered a leaf in my pie.
Yeah well you can still shove it.I want a cherry pie
Bleh! Cherries
I like a pie butty
I used to make pie butties after I had had a ‘smoke’ and when I didn’t have anything but a toastie maker to heat things up
I've not had one for years.
It's years since I've seen a caterpillow
I'd hate to get stuck in a cellar
Dunedain Tufted Titmouse
Joined: 26 Nov 2023Gender: MalePosts: 25Location: Eriador
I love peppermint candy.
Fairfield Veteran
Joined: 25 Jan 2023Age: 24Gender: MalePosts: 1,630
That sugar cookie frappuccino from Starbucks is good. I've never had one until now.
^ That sounds good.I should avoid WP when I’m high because it’s almost impossible to say what I mean when that’s the case and things come out wrong.