Ideological Collectivism: The idea of dividing and conquering the human conscience by isms, ologies, ocracies, ists, new social movements, NRM’s (organized religion) and alternative subcultures into a state of echo chambers, groupthink, conformity and tribalism
Obscurantism (has occurred since the antiquity of humanity)
Public Relations (the Freudian Psychoanalytic form envisioned by Edward Bernays)
Gender Science/Studies
Nutritional Science (always listen to your body (unique physiological profiles that diversify from individual to individual) as opposed to domineering dietocrats, advocacy groups and the mainstream)
Globalization (all of its forms including multiculturalism, geopolitical science, international relations, supranationalism and intergovernmentalism)
The Diamond Industry (man-made diamonds are one of the few synthetic creations that’s morally and economically reasonable)
Plastic, Plastic, Plastic and Plastic…
Bisphenol-A, Phthalates and Parabens
Glyphosate and pesticides (e.g., Neonicotinoid)
Recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH)
Water fluoridation
High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) (known as Glucose-Fructose Syrup in the UK)
Artificial Sweeteners (esp. Aspartame), Colours, Flavours (enhancers such as MSG), Preservatives (Potassium Sorbate and Sodium Benzoate) and additives (e.g., Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO))
Chemical and Biological Warfare (Nuclear Weapons, Dioxin, Agent Orange etc.)
“Energy” Drinks
Unfermented Soy, “Energy” bars, Cereal and “low-fat” products as “health foods
GM Crops
Biotechnological perversion of food
Greenwashing (e.g., CFL Bulbs, Biosolids, Biofuels etc.)
“Evidence Based” Policy Decision Making (oxymoron)
Direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA)
Academic/Science Journal Paywalls ("science for sale")
Crystal Meth and Zombie “Narcotics” like Krokodil (Desomorphine) & Flakka (α-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone)
Processed Foods (but I do love sausages and bacon – cognitive dissonance I know)
Fast Fashion (mass automated production of very cheap clothes employed by slave labour)
Acrylic, Polyester and most synthetic fabrics
Macroeconomic Philosophy and “Conventional” Economics
International Finance, Private Central Banking, Fractional Reserve Lending and Usury (Compound Interest as a concept really)
The adulation of gold commodity metal as "God's money"
Credit Cards
Money Laundering
Neoliberal Globalization
“Democratic” Socialism
Fascism (Orwellian Totalitarianism, Cultural/Economic Imperialism, Neo-Nazism, Racial Supremacy etc.)
Biblical Creationism
The Monarchy
Unmeritocratic Power Structures (e.g., Feudalism, Hindu Caste and the macroeconomic system)
The False Dichotomy between Materialistic Consumerism and Scarcity based Minimalism (both boring and soulless)
Democracy (I don’t believe it exists)
The Parker Brother’s idea of promoting necromancy into a board game
The “Problem of Evil” concept (I don’t believe there is a pure good (we all have our own inner personal demons, but I believe in the existence of pure evil)
Trophy Hunting
The Tide Pod challenge (telling the generation of people who fall for this that they contain gluten would be the best way to discourage them (not to antagonize genuine gluten intolerance (NCGS) and celiac sufferers on this forum).
Man Made Disease Creation
Mass Psychiatric Drugging of children (esp. Ritalin)
Digital Identity/Human Microchipping
Speed Dating
Online Dating
The Porn Industry
Beauty Pageants
Palm Oil
Hershey’s Chocolate (absolutely disgusting

Chewing Gum
Parking Meters
Human Cloning
Windows Vista
Google Chrome
So-called “music” - Hip hop, Garage, Rap, Bubblegum, Teen pop, Dub-step, Modern R&B, Boy/Girl bands (anything mainstream nowadays)
SMS language
Social media networking
Lip Sync
Orange Fake Tans
Modern Art
Popular Culture (e.g., materialistic consumerism or consumer culture)
Mainstreaming of Geek “Culture”
Reality TV
Soap Operas
Digital Learning (esp. Zoom)
Shoelaces (why, why, why)
Pop up ads
Body Piercings
Botox/Breast Implants
Alcohol, Alcohol, Alcohol and Alcohol
Neckbeards (nothing greater has been used to dehumanize autistics and aspies)
You pretty much summed it all up. If think I am going to have to include Windows 11 because it sucks for gaming and is incompatible with a lot of Windows 10 programs.