Apple_in_my_Eye wrote:
I just ate a pork chop and some stir-fried bamboo shoots and flat beans.
And some soy vanilla ice cream (I fail yet again to become less fat).
Soy is, I believe, actually worse for you than regular milk products I think. You're probably better off eating regular icecream if you must indulge. That's actually a highly nutritious(mostly), good meal you ate there. If you're very worried about weight I would shy off gluten and either cook in butter or olive oil (avoid vegetable oils). Stir fry is the only way I've ever cooked my foods since well..I was a child. I apologize if this comes off as supercilious I'm just trying to be of assistance. I helped someone lose weight once before and it was pretty easy.
Anyways, last thing I ate was a sweet potato 3 or 4 hours ago but I'm thinking veggie stir fry might be good.