very scary nightmare when about 6/7 yo, a person came out the ground, and went after me, it was dressed in red with wooden leg and kneecaps,(treasor island was on tv at that time, i found that very scary,) but that ghostly person followed me and i couldn't hide or lock it out, it turns out that dreamed person is/was odin, as described.
first encounter with kindergarten was nightmarish too and when i got to elementary i was skipped the first grade and got pushed and accused by bigger girls, there was a ret*d girl who'd attack me, i though i'd had an evil eye or some thing they noticed and i had a believe i was sacrificed before this life,
what was the question? what about your mind mixing up things?
yeah, yeah but with reflexion it doesn't stand, what's supersomeshit is the mysterious way people pop up to perform some weird executive necessity (to something, or whatever), how in the xxxx are them connected to bringing unfortune about?
i have no reasons to find this funny topics of displaying 'mysterious' sides of ideas
next thing you're going to do?