In my case, mine doesn't even out.
My own conclusion was that it's my autism. Because confidence and practice in my case is irrelevant.
It stopped evening out around my teenage years.
My reading comprehension hadn't changed much. My speech did not changed much either.
And I habitually read and interact.
I had phases of not doing either for a long time -- and there's no change.
It's because something is unnatural to me.
Even without the issues that made it more difficult, it's still there... It's just worse under particular states, under pressure and stress.
But it may change if I did something drastic like learn a different language or go to a speech language pathologist.
And have a different set of thought patterns and processes around verbal intelligence.
Testing different types of nail polish.
Today I learned a particular brand of quick dry hardener top coat is not supposed to be applied too thin.
Wondering about what the heck should I do with my hair...
I don't care about the looks or how it is maintained every night, but I have physical comfort preference around it.
So I'm a bit off around the idea of cutting it short, or having to be mindful if it's straight.
Can't understand why the heck my natural hair is like this...
That goes a loooong way. Longer than diet even. In fact, diet would be first before this.
The figure itself? I have that easier. And never cared.
I'd still want to change my diet and actually regularly exercise... I really just want the health aspects.
The wardrobe? I'd be very, very picky about it.
Comfortable, fashionable, in my own preferred colors and designs, and very convenient to take care of.
I can just choose comfort -- but that just means no wardrobe change.
I don't actually mind not changing my wardrobe for the next decade; so I can afford to just do this very, very slowly...
The face... Ahh, the face is tricky. I know my type -- my biggest issue is stress, hormones and whatever I'm eating.
The skin? I got several clues about this already.
I hadn't truly been serious about it at all.
I've seen countless people of varying age who had spent so much on skin whitening and all sorts of dermatological issues...
Here, it's mostly colonial mentality and beauty standards.
I've seen so many started with their parents, to prove to their peers, etc.
To me, it's more like a way to prove myself that I can control this body than the other way around.
To prepare myself into my 30s. To learn how I actually create a habit. To figure how to shift my sleep.
To learn more about this body. To learn more about my neurology. To learn more about human nature... To learn more about "this person".