artrat wrote:
My dad screamed at me for making a mess in the kitchen while cooking a meal for the family.
I was hurt and frustrated so I complained. My dad locked himself in his room and refused to eat the food that I cooked.
I was even more hurt and went into my room and cried.
Wow, like a little mess can't be cleaned up afterwards.
I'm sorry he overreacted like this. I used to have similar incidents with my father all the time and I know how it hurts.
I bet the food was delicious. He doesn't know what he's missing out on.
VMSmith, I'm sorry your parents are giving you such a hard time about your sexuality. It sucks to have to hide it and live in fear of what will happen when they find out. Hopefully they'll come to their senses one day and accept it, but it sounds like they still have a long way to come. Do you have to keep living with them? Do you think you could move out sometime in the near future and live on your own, or with support from elsewhere? This sounds like a very unhealthy and unhappy living situation and it's obviously making your very stressed. You need space to live a full life and not have to hide and live in fear.