Rossall wrote:
Have you got it yet CF? I love mine. Would love to take it out mobile up the local hill if I get my drivers licence back in the future.
It arrived about an hour ago.
I'd had a rummage for a spare 12v PSU because the one I ordered was out of stock, to be delivered separately and hopefully arriving today.
For a while it was like Christmas - as I was opening the rig packaging someone from FedEx arrived with the PSU!
The timing couldn't have been better and that's damn fine service from Knights, I must say.
So I have everything needed, apart from a non-essential balun.
I've powered it up (with a dummy load) for a quick poke around and it all looks Ok, so now I have to SWR the aerial and explore the controls.
I'm within spitting distance of a major motorway, so that should be a useful source.
But I'll also have a look at going mobile, with the rig parked on the passenger seat and a magnetic whip on the roof - it will be interesting to see just how much it can pull in.
Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.