I dreamt I was at work [my last job in the hospital] and a bully coworker was teamed with a new hire for training so I was temporarily a fifth wheel, so I wandered outside the hospital in the downtown city streets of some place that was a mélange of other cities I've lived in including my actual hometown of Tacoma Wa. i left the hospital via backways that went through adjoining buildings including some kind of store that was just closing and locking its doors, somehow that last part escaped my notice. by now i was dragging around with me several bags full of stuff including a rolling device that for some reason i was not using to haul this stuff around. then after wandering a while and encountering a smattering of tourists, i tried to get back to work only i was suddenly lost without a clue as to how to get back to the hospital. i wandered the streets and eventually ran into a male cop who suddenly morphed into a female tourist who then morphed into a black fella who just walked away from me when i asked them to help me get back to work. but i followed him as he walked away and suddenly i found myself in a familiar area inside the hospital, and i ran for the elevators and pushed the third floor button but for some reason the elevator zoomed up to the 15th floor [the hospital i worked in only had 8 floors], then some people got in and out as the elevator leisurely made its way back down to the ground floor. it also by that time morphed into a small room with windows [some shuttered and some curtained] and hanging potted plants and several doors that didn't look like elevator doors but were made of wood. i pushed third floor again and it went to the second floor and then i decided i didn't wanna take any more chances with this thing so i got out on the second floor and zigzagged through other departments including x-ray, before i found a staircase that took me to the third floor, and by this point i was dragging from fatigue. i came back just in time for shift change so i laid low until my shift had all left. then i went into the locker room where i found some woman [in a man's locker room] changing into scrubs, and i opened my bag and aside from the rolling device i found garbage including a bucket with some orange stuff in it that looked like cake icing, and i threw it into the trash, and when i did that the woman in there exclaimed to me, "I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE THROW ORANGE STUFF INTO THE TRASH!" and i asked her why she said that, and she just left.