Hmm, seems I've missed all these cool posts! OK, here goes:
In no particular order, JBW, Slave, SocOfAutism, ASPartOfMe, and Somanyspoons provide truly unique insight to fuel engaging discussions.
Lillikoi is really clever, in this thread and in crafting answers for the games. Her writing style is silly, yet not without substance.
Midnightstar brings out the kid in other people, in a good way. Also, I get the sense that she'll keep finding more courage over time.
League_Girl, Mikeman, Ezrus, and I know I'm forgetting names here, thanks for sharing your experiences and ways of thinking so I can understand better.
Kuraudo is fun and comes up with creative characters along with Midnightstar. Kuraudo can appreciate the complexity of sci-fi and the simplicity of love for all.
Thumbhole's details brought comics to life for me, and also, she gets the way I think.
Auntblabby is a great online conversationalist who provides excellent advice.
Bridgette77 is a kind person and easy to talk to.
DCJ123 is way smarter, and can be more fun, than he thinks he is.
Everyone here makes me glad for the turn of events that led me to join this forum.