Disease, disability, physical pain, autism misconceptions
Precious lil "people" act like they are perfect, morally innocent, know everything, are morally superior to you, have a right to do whatever they want
Precious lil "people" act like they have a moral right to be happy at all times and get whatever they want, to be happy
They ask too many questions and act like merely asking questions is doing me a favor
They ask questions that are none of their business
They ask "where are you from?", Like that's a conversation started
They make judgmental comments about your emotions ("why you mad at the world? You looked dirty).
Condescending, know it all attitude
Judgmental attitude
The Human Resources woman told me, that the bosses boss said , that when she asked if I could do Microsoft Excel, I sounded
and she didn't know if she could trust me to do the stupid ass spreadsheet
I already went to the job interview and started work two weeks earlier
The bosses boss talked too much and too loudly
Could hear her in a different room
She talked about politics and weight
It's like "communication" is
a euphemism
for talk the amount someone else wants you to talk. And tell them what they want to hear
A former precious lil "friend" repeatedly interrupted me when I was talking to ask what I was going to say next
"Mad" is not an emotion
Anger is just an emotion, not a catastrophe or even an event
Idiots do whatever they want to me, and then say "you got mad"
When I told the current counselor that "mad is not an emotion," she was like "isn't it?"
Then I had to bring a dictionary
She could have just looked it up
During the session
Or is that against HIPAA
Seriously doubt the counselors competence
She iiis so simple-minded and acts she knows more than she does
She acts like I know less than I do
And maybe the
process notes
contain too many "miscommunications"
When I do something wrong, it's a huge dram
When she does something wrong, it's a "miscommunications"
Whatever wrong statements she wrote in the process notes, the next counselor will just believe. The next counselor will think I am biased in my favor. The next counselor will not think the current counselor wasn't listening to me.
Regardless of which party made a mistake, I get injured, not the counselor.