Temeraire wrote:
fluffysaurus wrote:
Temeraire wrote:
What has happened to our beloved duo Ant and Dec?
Does Ant have mental health problems?
I think it's stress and alcohol problems, I could be wrong. I don't have much sympathy over drunk driving though. I just can't grasp the way some people are able to ignore risks even when they are being taken with the lives of other people. I'm a worrier.
No I don't have any sympathy for the D&D charges. But I do question why all of a sudden he has lost control of his life? Why do it in the first place? He has so much to lose.
Has he had a recent relationship break up or some other loss in his life? Or is it just the stress of all the commitments they have made for the TV and media? The lifestyle? The pressure.
I have worked with people with substance abuse problems and it can happen to anyone, I know this. But there is usually an underlying cause. I just feel for the guy and hope he doesn't become demonised in the media.
Apparently it all started with an operation on his knee that went wrong and he was left in constant pain,so had to take painkillers and got addicted to them as well as alcohol,which was also partly to ease the pain.All the stress led to the problems with depression and break up of his marriage so I do have a degree of sympathy for his circumstances,but
even so drink driving should simply never be contemplated. I'm also confused as to how his mother didn't realise he was incapable when she was the passenger.
I have lost the will to be apathetic