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24 Jan 2012, 5:02 pm

Class is almost over. Dang-it.

Hi there! Please refer to me as Moss. Unable to change my username to reflect that change. Have a nice day. <3


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24 Jan 2012, 5:22 pm

I have almost all the lights on in the living area of my one room apartment, in order to simulate a Hawaiian vacation.

The Family Enigma


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24 Jan 2012, 5:29 pm

dad brougt a little cedar to me today , but i don know yet what species it is.


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24 Jan 2012, 5:40 pm

mr_squirrel wrote:
dad brougt a little cedar to me today , but i don know yet what species it is.

That's awesome. 8) I love baby trees. :)

The Family Enigma


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24 Jan 2012, 5:44 pm

do you love them too? i love them too and i take care of them , tomorow i will plant it in the garden and then i'll watch for it everyday :)


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24 Jan 2012, 6:21 pm

I'm watching Doraemon: Nobita and the Legend of the Green Giant (ドラえもん のび太と緑の巨人伝).


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24 Jan 2012, 6:31 pm

MakaylaTheAspie wrote:
How many snacks would a snickety snack snack if a snickety snack were to snack snacks?

How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck were to chuck wood?

Some questions we will never know the answer to.

The Oracle wrote:
} "Come with me, my child. Give me your hand."
} "Where are we going?"
} "I am going to show you the answer to your question."
} "Where is the answer?"
} "At the end of this hallway. Come."
} "Is it far?"
} "Not very far. Just past these doors. But you must promise not to
} open the doors into any of the rooms."
} "Why?"
} "Behind these doors are very unpleasant sights. There are people who
} have lost their minds."
} "How did that happen?"
} "There are many paths that lead to the same place. Behind this door is
} a man who cannot speak, except to whisper, 'How many charts would a
} flowchart flow, if a flow chart could flow charts?'"
} "How terrible!"
} "And over here is a woman, a mother of three small children, whose
} mind has seized on a question and will not let go."
} "What is that question?"
} "'How many pounds would a footpound pound, if a footpound could pound
} pounds?'"
} "But what does that mean?"
} "No! Never ask yourself that! It leads to madness."
} "Where do these questions come from?"
} "They are the bastard spawn of an unholy union between a woodchuck
} and the demons of hell."
} "How do they get inside someone's head?"
} "I will not even speak of the mantra to you, my innocent. But I warn
} you: do not search for the answer, for it will find you."
} "Who is behind this door?"
} "One who muses, 'How much news would new taxes tax, if new taxes knew
} tax news?'"
} "I am beginning to see. It begins as a word game, doesn't it?"
} "So it is said."
} "You just pick a word, any word, like 'synod.' And spin out the
} question. 'How many nods would a synod sin, if a synod could sin nods?'
} This is what happens, is it not?"
} "I am afraid so."
} "Why, it's quite fun. And quite harmless. How can one be so foolish
} as to become obsessed with such nonsense?"
} "There is no fool but whose folly seems wisdom."
} "What a dreary hallway you are leading me down. How many ways would
} a hallway weigh, if a hallway could weigh ways?"
} "I beg you, for the last time, do not ask such questions."
} "You are much too serious a person, I think. How much work would a
} network work if a network could network?"
} "We are almost there, my child."
} "Wait a moment. I'm serious. How much work would a network work if a
} network could network?"
} "Here is the room. The answer to your question lies in here."
} "I don't want to know the answer to that question. I can barely
} remember that question. I want to know how much work would a network
} work if a network could network?"
} "The answer to that question, too, lies in here. Enter."
} "Where? Where is the answer? There's nothing here but a bed and a
} window, high up on the wall. What will tell me the answer?"
} "I must go now."
} "Wait! Don't close the door! You must tell me. How much work would
} a network work if a network could network?"
} "Goodbye, my child. I am....very sorry."
} "Don't leave. Or go. Go if you must! But first, tell me, how much work
} would a network work if a network could network?"
} "Goodbye."
} "How much work would a network work if a network could network? How
} much work would a network work if a network could network?....
} "Oracle?....
} "....ORACLE....!"

Some memes are dangerous.... :lol:


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24 Jan 2012, 6:56 pm

I feel like drilling the receiver of my "farm" (see: cheap) shotgun and mounting a scope (side mount). It'd shoot ok with slugs out to 200 meters or so for plinking large bottles.

I'd need to add a bipod to it too; shades of an anti-material weapon, really (I'm sure it'd bang up a car quite well in the least).


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24 Jan 2012, 7:20 pm

ebay recommends Garden gnome rubbers especially for me.

(erasers for americanos)


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24 Jan 2012, 7:22 pm

OneStepBeyond wrote:
ebay recommends Garden gnome rubbers especially for me.


OneStepBeyond wrote:
(erasers for americanos)



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24 Jan 2012, 7:42 pm



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24 Jan 2012, 7:52 pm

It's that time of the week again... Studying... Same old, same old. :hmph:

If it doesn't make sense, it's probably a Team Fortress 2 reference.


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24 Jan 2012, 8:03 pm

I'm just finishing the album Red Shift Swing. I think I'll listen to some more Alog.


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24 Jan 2012, 8:29 pm

We all go out of our way to be hipster sometimes.

If it doesn't make sense, it's probably a Team Fortress 2 reference.


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24 Jan 2012, 8:35 pm

i don want to go to school


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24 Jan 2012, 8:47 pm

i meant to go to bed ages ago