oscarinthewild wrote:
Are we lying.. are we ourselves lying.. we dont even know.. nobody knows. what we know is.. the harder you ponder whether someone loves you, the closer you arrive at the truth: they dont .. and you dont. A heart of gold, ore or stone is better than a heart break (which means you really loved) at any given modern day.. or post-modern day, or post-post-modern day.
a heart of gold loved like a fool.. but a golden heart broken or not is not broken.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Missi ... d_Practiceor even not ?? ..
the ?? broken?? hearts ??? could be sold too ??
https://youtu.be/Kb24RrHIbFkmoney is love althoguh it smells kind of bad.. but evwryone loves that smell because it smells like love.
“I say that no human being will ever understand me, because I will never…my inner—Cemil—will never be open to anybody. No human will ever understand me. I always play. This is the truth."
Last edited by oscarinthewild on 23 Feb 2019, 3:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.