You're right!
Dorky things I did so my teacher would like me (Age 7)
1. I volunteered to clean the chalkboard erasers by smashing them against the brick wall outside. I wrote her name in the dust pattern and hoped she would notice how clever I was. When I showed her the display she said I'd made a mess and would be punished for taking too long. 
2. I stole some of her push-pins, buried them in mud, rescued them, and triumphantly returned them to her while pretending I wasn't the culprit. I expected to be praised for push-pin recovery but she said "How did you know they were mine?" and "Throw them away -- they're dirty".
3. On the last day of school when we were dismissed for the summer holidays everyone was in queue and we were supposed to shake her hand to say goodbye. I decided it would be better to say "I love you, Miss!" and to kiss her in front of everyone. Whoops. 
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.