Today I saw a video about a French kid's cartoon called Little Brown Bear. At first it appeared to be a reboot of Little Bear, a wholesome and enjoyable Canadian cartoon about a bear cub and his adventures with his best friend Emily, and his animal friends Duck, Owl, Cat and Hen. But Little Brown Bear is nothing like Little Bear. He's a nasty, whiny, selfish little brat. In fact he's very similar to Cailou, which is a French Canadian cartoon about a four-year old kid who also behaves very badly. Except LBB is even worse. For example in one cartoon he wants his mother to buy him an entire cake, and when she doesn't he says mean things to her while throwing a tantrum, but she doesn't punish him at all.
In Little Bear, the characters showed love and respect for the adults. But I guess now they want toddlers to watch a show where a kid their age is being a brat and gets away with it and think it's okay for them to be this way.
I get that toddlers are often selfish, stubborn, whiny, tantrum-y, bratty, and gross, but it's up to the adults to teach them not to be.
So we're doomed, I guess.