adromedanblackhole wrote:
All the times you mention Nordics CyberDad, is this the same as the Pleiadians?
You are definitely on the right track!
Thor Hyderdahl (the Norwegian explorer) was the first to point out the unusual similarity between Mayans, Polynesians, Indian ocean peoples and ancient Sumerians of nordic looking people with beards and this was also pointed out by Erich Von Daniken in his book "Chariots of the Gods".
Hyerdahl followed the trail of of a mythical race of giants called the "Redin" who were known from Madagascar, Maldives all the way to south east Asia and the pacific as some type of creator beings who were described as being tall light haired beings.
The Annunaki of the Sumerians were also a race of white giants with beards who taught mankind about civilisation. Interestingly they hailed from the Pleiades constellation.
The Australian aborigines, Hawaiians and native Americans also believed creators were white spirits and mistook the early explorers for gods (boy were they in for big surprise).