Temp Sticky: Worlds of Our Creation
Practically the very definition of cyberpunk setting and aesthetics, as set forth by William Gibson. I guess that's not really a bad thing, though...
The major setting for my post-cyberpunk novel, Post Black, is somewhat similar.
The Greater San Angeles Metropolitan Area - A nearly unbroken stretch of urban and suburban jungle running from Los Angeles to San Francisco and the Bay Area. The total population of the Metro is estimated to be right around fifty million people. Being one of the largest cultural and economic centers on the planet, rivaled only in any real sense by the Tokyo Metro, it is home to dozens of industries, from bio-mechanical augmentation and nanotechnology, to software and holocinema. Hundreds of corporations have their world headquarters here, including renowned international armsware manufacturer, Grey Industries (the CEO of which, one of the main characters is directly related to).
The Sprawl, as it is often referred to as well, is an extremely diverse place, culturally. With immigrants from all over the world, both legal and illegal, each having brought with them their own individual facet of cultural identity, there is virtually no culture you won't find here in some way shape or form, integrated or wedged into the societal fabric as a whole. It shows in the signage, media, and even architecture of the various districts that make up the whole of the metropolis. While the standards of living in general have risen, the southern part of the Sprawl, particularly Los Angeles Proper, tends to be somewhat lower income compared to the northern part, most notably San Francisco.
Old LA, or LA Proper, is also the site of the New Year's Day massacre, a terrorist incident involving the release of a stolen copy of the Rawlings virus in the middle of downtown on New Year's Day. Since the incident, public security has been stepped up, integrating cyber-security systems and sentient machines to monitor, and if need be, track down and apprehend, potential threats to public safety; hopefully, before they become a serious problem.
While pollution on the Sprawl has been cited as a problem, an act was passed within the Metro to limit the amount of pollution that could be produced. Most industries now use cleaner methods of production and service, with some, Grey Industries included, even working with methods of manufacturing to reduce pollutants via bio-chemical powered processes. Another thing that has helped is the promotion of grav-effect vehicles, powered entirely by self-generated electricity and superconducting electromagents.
It takes a village to raise an idiot, but it only takes one idiot to raze a village.
Last edited by Zokk on 28 Feb 2011, 11:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"San Francisco and San Diego were the northern and southern ends of one sprawling metropolis - but who knew which end was which? Tanj few, these days." - Louis Wu, in Larry Niven's Ringworld, musing on his 200th birthday about how much had changed.
Not a criticism - your world does sound pretty original - it's just that your description put me in mind of that.
Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.

Construction complete. My new spaceport, which is my world's equivalent of NASA, has completed its first spaceship. I call it 'Voyager.'
An active space program now resides in my world.

I am Ashley. My pronouns are she/her.

Joined: 3 Jan 2009
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 9,896
Location: Stoke, England (sometimes :P)
I just remembered! Me and my best friend have our own imaginary thing that we've constructed. We've got a made up band made out of us and our 2 friends from school called the "multi agents", we're called that because at school we all hung out in the "multi agency" classroom at break times. And I'm the lead guitarist, best friend is the drummer, one friend is the lead singer and the last one is the bass guitarist. We've thought of our first album, the name of which has escaped me, we've chosen the songs for our first album which are all songs that exist already. We made up the names of our next 2 albums, our tours and our comeback album 10 years after we split. Also, when we do the video to our first single, a cover of mumford and sons' "the cave", on the line which reads "I hope you choke, on the noose around your neck" I point the guitar at our least favourite teacher, and when the video is released she notices and sues us, but it fails haha. We've also given each member a song to cover when we have our solo careers, I forgot my song though. I know the lead singer sings "my console" by Eiffel 65 because he's obsessed with video games.
Once I was doing a pretend commentary to a documentary about out band's story, and we both a right laugh adding things to it.
This is just the general gist of our little idea, but there is much more detail to it.
All of this was my best friend's idea, and we both had a field day making it all up. Whenever we meet we find a new song to add to our albums, another story to add or another idea for a music video.
Also, our other friends don't know about our imaginary band, it's our secret hehe.
What film do atheists watch on Christmas?
Coincidence on 34th street.
I love making up fantasy worlds, although they tend to share common themes and often draw from Earth cultures. Here's my latest creation:
The continent's called Takhemau, and is divided into three zones: a northern rainforest zone, a central savanna zone, and a southern desert zone. Prehistoric reptiles such as dinosaurs are the dominant megafauna although humans and other primates are also present. The natives are black people and have a variety of different cultures, but those living in the rainforest region tend to be more sedentary and agricultural than those roaming the savannas.
Another world-building exercise:
Although elves, like humans, are omnivorous, meat is more prominent in the elven diet, so elves' incisors have sharper edges. Elf vision is sharper than human vision, especially at night, but elves cannot see in color. Elves also have better hearing than humans but a weaker sense of smell. Elves mature quickly, typically hitting puberty between ages eight to ten, but they have short lifespans, seldom aging over sixty.
There are three main subspecies of elves: northern, southern, and middle. Northern elves are the tallest, have almost white hair and skin, and live in Aelfheim's northerly conifer forests. On the other hand, southern elves, the shortest of the subspecies, have slightly darker complexions and dirty blond hair; they reside in the bayous and wetlands of southern Aelfheim. Middle elves, who prefer deciduous forests, have characteristics intermediate to northern and southern elves.
Elves are very individualistic compared to humans, for they constantly strive to better themselves above all else. Any loyalty harbored by elves is usually reserved for family members and mates; they rarely care about clan, tribal, or national politics. This means that major wars between cohesive elf factions are rare, but on a smaller scale, elves can be very competitive with each other. They are also mistrustful towards strangers and will help them only if they can earn something tangible in return.
Because of this individualism, elven settlements are more accurately described as clusters of elf homes rather than polities with overarching governments; in other words, while elves may live near each other if a given area is rich in resources, they don't really unite under one leadership. Elves also lack organized religions, though they do have superstitions and believe in nature spirits which need to be placated.
Although female elves are more likely to stay at home once they bear children, before then gender roles are not very distinct in elven society; male and female elves may both hunt. Mating is almost always monogamous and infidelity is rarely tolerated; elves can be very jealous. Romantic love, with the possible exception of love for kin, is perhaps the most intense social instinct that elves can feel.
Elves use spears and bows when hunting and sabers for interpersonal combat. They rarely wear armor. When fighting, elves are interested mainly in winning personal glory, revenge, and intimidating potential rivals rather than anything that might benefit a group outside their families. They can be very vindictive and territorial.
Elves get most of their food from hunting, but they may also fish and cultivate small gardens. Cowry shells are used as currency. Lacking organized governments, elves do not pay taxes to anyone, nor do they form large businesses; elves are usually self-employed. However, if an elf does not have enough cowry shells, he may sell himself into servitude to others, although this is usually a temporary condition that is not inherited.
Because of their individualism, elves are often disliked by other races. In turn the elves cannot understand why non-elves are often so willing to sacrifice for the good of total strangers and so perceive them as foolish and self-flagellating. Perhaps the strongest racial animosity is that between elves and orcs, the latter of whom have a culture almost a polar opposite of that of the elves.
I'm calling this world Midgard. It's divided into four major regions:
1. Aelfheim, which is forested with swamps to the south. It is the homeland of the elves.
2. Orc'angir, a grassy prairie where orcs roam.
3. Al-Djinn, the desert country of the djinn.
4. Kesh, the tropical homeland of the human race.
I've come up with several different ones. I'll describe my favourite one here:
The year is 2770(ish). Humans have now colonized about 20 star systems. The Solar System still has by far the largest population and Earth is home to 27 billion people. Earth relies heavily on food imports and imports of other raw materials. However, the Solar System is the main exporter of electronics and other finished projects. Terra Centauri, orbiting Alpha Centauri A, is the next most populous planet, with 4 billion people and is the only self sufficient planet (however, with no gas giant around Alpha Centauri, they must import their fusion fuels). The other 19 or so planets have a populations never more than a billion and their main industries are agriculture and the production of petrochemicles (used to manufacture plastics and pharmaceuticals). They are known collectively as the Outworlds.
When FTL technology was first developed it proved to be too expensive to make colonization of other stars practical. Countries tried to set up outposts on various planets, but most of them were allowed to stagnate. Only the Commonwealth's colony on Terra Centuari was actively expanded, but because of the cost of shipping the emphasis was put on making it internally sufficient, with most of the operations initially being operated by the Canadian Crown Corporation Terra Centuari Ltd. This proved to be a highly effective model for interstellar colonization. A series of advances slowly made FTL technology much cheaper to operate. Eventually interstellar travel and colonization became economically viable. This was around 2643. A new wave of colonization began, establishing the majority of the new planets.
Once the new wave of colonization began, the United Nations created the Cosmic Transit Commission, meant to regulate spacecraft safety (much like the FAA), give colonization permits to countries seeking to open up new planets, conduct surveys on new planets etc. However, by 2700 the UN had essentially lost control of the CTC. The CTC enacts policies to try to make the Outworlds more self-sufficient (viewed as a safer option) and prevent the spread of crop diseases, as well as trying to preserve the indigenous life of various planets. However, in doing so they are not popular with he various governments, who resent the interference, or the average citizen who resents the higher food prices which result from the CTC's attempts to regulate planetary economies and the difficulty in receiving visas for travel.
The CTC maintains its (strangle)hold on interstellar travel by operating Starport. All spacecraft must pass through Starport, where cargoes undergo CTC inspection and people must be cleared to continue their travel. Interstellar travel is very common, similar to what intercontinental travel is like today in terms of cost. A trip from Earth to Terra Centauri is much like flying from New York to London in terms of ease. Most spacecraft can manage top speeds of half a light year per hour.
There are 5 major political powers: The Commonwealth of Nations (the same as it is currently, but politically unified), the United States of America (now with over 200 States, including most of South America and some of Africa), the United States of Europe (all of Europe except Britain and Eastern Russia), the Asian Alliance (all of Asia except Japan), and the Lunar Nations (now including almost all asteroid settlements and extra-solar asteroid settlements as well as the Moon itself). The Lunar Nations have socialist policies and are transitioning to direct democracy. The Asian Alliance is Communist, although in many of the component states the Communist Party operates from the bottom up and is quite democratic. The United States is even more capitalist than it is now. The Commonwealth and the United States of Europe are capitalist, with some socialist policies (regarding health care and some state-owned companies).
There's much more I could talk about, but those are the general details.
I usually time set to 14th and 15th century ,
I am in a city ,with many cobblestone streets,I see a child sitting on cart eating a watermelon,he has red hair and freckles and his shoes are very old and worn(bought second hand) but he is very lucky to have shoes because most of the children do not have shoes.
there is an inn and I alway sit in a corner of a pub there...many strangers come and go here.there is a barmaid called maeve ,she is very chatty and I have no problem talking to her but because she is so busy i dont do it often. I usually just observe the strangers and listen to their conversations.
near the inn there is a bakery place the baker is a semi-fat man with flour dusted over his apron and face.he is a kind man and often gives the spare loaves to the hungry kids.the smell of cooking bread is often drifts out the open top of the halfdoor and it is always delicous.
chickens are clucking and picking at their feed and running around outside and barefooted children play games in the cobblestone streets.none of the children work apart from one child who stands on a corner of street selling newspapers .I like making up the headlines.e.g. Dr. Hammond discovers remedy for the plague...sir filtch and lady bonnefet are invited to political meeting in town square...two face the prosecution of death after mayor spench passes law...etc
there is a metal worker on one street and altough I dont go i to the room I hear his hammer making the sound of metal chinking. it is quite scary ...the man is an angry man.sometimes you can hear him shout out and grumble loadly when he messes up something and has to start again.once or twice he scared potential clients away by shouting at them when they disturbed his ''peace''.
in the heart of the city is 'experimental' doctor Hammond.his 'clinic' has shelves of labelled oitments and bottles and containers and there is papers everywhere in his office.he only takes pateints who are erm..should i say fatally ill.for his 'patients' who have no relatives he experiments on their corpse.and horribly enough while they are still alive.he has old craniums left on shelves. the man is very odd he has a very large tophat and orage hair with long side-burns
outside of town is a countryside.I sometimes just 'happen there' when i wish it but usually I get there by walking/sprinting depends on the urgency of my urge to 'be' in the countryside if I want to i hitch rides or sneak onto the back of a wagan which is fun to imagine also.
note:You may refer to me as :she,her...etc
Gender: Female.
The tale of the bus that didnt want me to get on...BUSSSSSSSSS..