DogsWithoutHorses wrote:
Is this an attempt to draw a connection between Autism and participation in the furry fandom or is this just a search for like minded individuals on this site?
The latter is cool/awesome/whatever, the former is not so cool.
Yes it is the latter. At least that is my intention just to find persons with the same interests. I posted because the previous poster's video is not representative of what fursuiting and cons are about...
I could care less if there is a higher or lower % representation of any specific group in any fandom. Besides I am sure you could have a psychiatrists field day at any type of fandom or specialty interest convention that is not 100% mainstream.
Trying to balance the site as Bronies here have several huge threads of people with similar interests etc. That's all
AQ test =36: SQ test = 110: EQ test =8
Aspire quiz: Aspire score = 162; Neurotypical =42
RAADS=173 Total: Language= 10: social relatedness= 92: Sensory/motor= 37: Circumscribed interests=34