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23 Aug 2011, 8:13 pm

ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
fnord wrote:
If you ask for advice, be prepared to receive advice that is honest, unbiased, sincere, and possibly hurtful or offensive to you.

Well, one thing they can add to their post is that they are sensitive souls and would like the responses to be phrased in a gentle way. I am sure people would oblige if they knew that was desired.


Better yet...
  • If you are a "gentle soul" and would like replies to your posts phrased in a gentle way, then is is best for you to post in "The Haven", which has been set aside specifically for this purpose.

Added, btw.

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23 Aug 2011, 8:16 pm

Fnord wrote:
ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
fnord wrote:
If you ask for advice, be prepared to receive advice that is honest, unbiased, sincere, and possibly hurtful or offensive to you.

Well, one thing they can add to their post is that they are sensitive souls and would like the responses to be phrased in a gentle way. I am sure people would oblige if they knew that was desired.


Better yet...
  • If you are a "gentle soul" and would like replies to your posts phrased in a gentle way, then is is best for you to post in "The Haven", which has been set aside specifically for this purpose.
Added, btw.

If they can do it in the Haven, they can do it here? It's no big deal if someone specifies what they want. The confusion occurs when people don't know what is expected of them. Then they feel like the other person is accusing them so they get defensive in return.
I think it's a great idea.


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23 Aug 2011, 8:18 pm

Callista wrote:
Hehe, I'm glad you guys are having fun with this! Who says WP doesn't have its own culture?

"Aspie Tough Love"* at it's best! Keep 'em coming!

(*Hmm ... could be the title of a new forum - something like the "Flip Side" of The Haven.)

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23 Aug 2011, 9:45 pm

ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
If they can do it in the Haven, they can do it here? It's no big deal if someone specifies what they want. The confusion occurs when people don't know what is expected of them. Then they feel like the other person is accusing them so they get defensive in return. I think it's a great idea.

You would; it's your idea. Rather than impose and enforce a "Nanny State" across all forums, Alex has already provided a special forum for those who can not handle criticism. There is no need to expand it further. Otherwise, this very thread might not exist at all.


As for the list, here is what I have compiled so far:

Before you post, check this list. The answer to your question is probably here...
  • Any firmly-stated opinion is likely to have several equally firmly-stated opinions in opposition. Learn to deal with it.
  • Anyone who does not share your political, religious, or philosophical beliefs is not your enemy; nor are they stupid, ret*d, insane, evil, or a troll. They simply do not share your beliefs. They may also be right.
  • As different as we all are from each other, we are all here for similar reasons.
  • Asking for evidence to support your claims is not a personal attack. Ditto for simply disagreeing with your opinion - not everyone who disagrees with you is an evil troll in need of having a new anal sphincter ripped open by you.
  • Asking for medical advice on a public social website is not as effective as asking for the same advice from a trained and licensed medical professional. Seek medical advice from a trained medical professional. Ditto for psychological advice.
  • Assumptions prove nothing. Neither do accusations, beliefs, dreams, emotions, fantasies, feelings, opinions, prejudices, rumors, suspicions, or something that you think you remember reading on some other forgotten website. Ditto for suggesting conditions or situations that have no basis in reality.
  • Become familiar with this website's layout, and the general purpose for each forum. For example, if you are having a really hard time coming to terms with your child's autism, make your thread in the Parenting Forum instead of General Autism.
  • Can we stop with the "More Autistic Than Thou" contest? It's getting kind of boring. Same for "More Abused Than Thou" and "More Miserable Than Thou" contests. There are no awards given out, so think of something else to discuss, okay?
  • Derailing a thread topic to refute one small detail in a singular post does not endear you to the general membership. If you must refute something specific, then it's best to start a whole 'nuther thread.
  • Famous Person X may or may not be autistic, but it's hard enough to diagnose somebody when they're sitting right in front of you with neuropsych testing materials in between. Diagnosing somebody at a distance is, for all practical purposes, impossible. Not that we won't claim them as an autistic anyway. Ditto for famous historical people, especially dead ones.
  • Functioning labels are meaningless. If you use them, define them first, but maybe it's better if we just don't use them.
  • Have you read this website's rules of conduct? Are you sure? Please read them again ... and maybe even review them once a month or so.
  • If one person calls your posts "childish and immature", then you can ignore him or her; if two or more people do the same thing, then maybe you should consider revising your writing style; and if "everybody" says so, then maybe you should simply grow up a little.
  • If you are a "gentle soul" and would like replies to your posts phrased in a gentle way, then is is best for you to post in "The Haven", which has been set aside specifically for this purpose.
  • If you ask for advice in any forum other than "The Haven", be prepared to receive advice that is honest, unbiased, sincere, and possibly hurtful or offensive to you.
  • If you post a question that you don't want an answer to, expect at least one reply that you don't want to read.
  • If you think that you recognize yourself in someone else's post (rant or otherwise), and you take offense as to what was being said, then please verify that the post was intended for you before "ripping a new one" for the person who made the post.
  • Investment in a free on-line spelling checker (or Firefox) will go a long way toward improving your apparent intelligence, and thus your credibility as well.
  • Just because some of us may have jobs, homes, relationships, or wealth, that does not mean that we have never suffered to obtain any of them; nor does it mean that we have never earned any of them, either.
  • Just because someone is a troll does not mean they are an Aspie.
  • Just because you are suffering, it does not mean that no one has ever suffered as much (or more) from being in the same situation that you are in right now.
  • Just because you don't agree with what someone else say or does, that doesn't mean that he or she does not have Asperger's.
  • Lots of us have ADHD, too. You are not the only one.
  • Marijuana and alcohol will get you high, but they will not make you NT. Ditto for Oxytocin.
  • Medication is neither poison nor panacea. Can we stop being so sensationalistic about it now?
  • No you can't beat being normal into children, if you try they won't like you very much and it makes you a bad parent.
  • No, I don't want to take a magic pill to make me neurotypical. More importantly, the magic pill doesn't exist and will never exist, so can we just admit to ourselves that the magic pill is a symbol for "Are you okay with who you are?"
  • No, self-diagnosed people are not hypochondriacs; not all of them, anyway...
  • No, the fact that your ex-boyfriend/ex-husband is a jerk does not mean that he has Asperger's.
  • No, they are not taking Asperger's out of the DSM. They're creating a new Autism Spectrum Disorder category, and it will include Asperger's.
  • No, we're not sociopaths. When's the last time you saw me murdering somebody? Never? Right, then. Not a sociopath.
  • No, you are not the most loathsome, pitiful person ever to walk the planet. You're an interesting and valuable human being, trust us. We've felt that way, too, so the Most Pitiful Person position is already occupied. You'll have to be content with just being yourself.
  • No, you don't have to be NT to land a date.
  • Not every post is about you, nor should every thread be derailed to be about you either.
  • NTs are weird. You know it, we know it. Let's just accept it and move on.
  • Please make sure you have something new and useful to contribute before starting a new thread. This website has a "Search" function for just this purpose. Use it.
  • Please, please, please ... read your Most Holy Scriptures in their entirety before misquoting from them and misapplying whatever you think they say to whatever random topic comes to your mind.
  • Posting something so large that it requires the reader to scroll down risks that post not being read at all.
  • So you claim to have psychic abilities or the ability to perform miracles. That's nice. How about a demonstration, right here and right now?
  • So your pet is adorable. How sweet. Unfortunately, your pet is just like every other pet of its species, save for a few cosmetic and behavioral differences.
  • Some of us can talk. Some of us can't. Deal with it.
  • Sometimes, people just don't read your posts; or, if they do, they don't really care anything about what you posted and they will not post a reply. Live with it.
  • The best utility for ignoring posts ever discovered resides between your own two ears. Learn to use it.
  • The latest online AS screening test shows you're autistic. Cool. We knew that already.
  • The vaccine-causation myth has been debunked a thousand times already. Do we really have to drag its rotting carcass out of its grave yet again?
  • There is no causal connection between AS and (alleged) psychic ability; if there were, then every (alleged) psychic would have AS, and every person with AS would be psychic.
  • There is no causal connection between AS and homosexuality; if there were, then every person on the LGBT spectrum would have AS, and every person with AS would be on the LGBT spectrum.
  • There is no single "type" of Aspie. When you've met one Aspie, you've met one Aspie.
  • They may or may not have AS, but they're definitely a jerk. Why are you hanging around with them, again?
  • Twisting your diet into knots won't affect your autism. It may cure your indigestion, but not your autism.
  • We don't really care about your IQ score. If you're autistic, it's irrelevant. If you're NT, your report card means more.
  • We have no clue if you're autistic. Do you have the symptoms? Then get yourself a doctor and ask them. Self-diagnosis is meaningless without confirmation by a trained and licensed medical expert.
  • Yeah, your kid is autistic. No, the world is not ending, the sky is not falling, and he can still be happy. Next time somebody tells you he can't, just do the world a favor and punch them in the face for us, 'kay?
  • Yes, a lot of people would like to create an Autist community; so many, in fact, that there are already many a thread on this very subject.
  • Yes, Asperger's is a type of autism.
  • Yes, savant skills exist. No, they're not all "Rainman" parodies, nor is savantism a "psychic" ability.
  • Yes, we hate it when people make fun of us, too.
  • Yes, you can get disability payments for Asperger's. No, you do not want to try to live on them.
  • Your special interest may be odd, but we've seen weirder. Quit worrying and have fun with it!


Yes, quite long, and likely not read in its entirety by those of us who are easily dis OOO! Donuts!

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23 Aug 2011, 9:55 pm

I can't believe you called my proposal a nanny state when all I suggested was a sensitive person might ask for sensitive replies in their opening topic post so people responding would be cognizant of that and take it into consideration. That way there are no misunderstandings.

A nanny state would be telling every poster they have to post gently no matter what and that is not what I meant.


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23 Aug 2011, 9:59 pm

ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
I can't believe you called my proposal a nanny state when all I suggested was a sensitive person might ask for sensitive replies in their opening topic post so people responding would be cognizant of that and take it into consideration. That way there are no misunderstandings. A nanny state would be telling every poster they have to post gently no matter what and that is not what I meant.

When did this thread become all about you?

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23 Aug 2011, 11:06 pm

Fnord wrote:
Callista wrote:
Hehe, I'm glad you guys are having fun with this! Who says WP doesn't have its own culture?

"Aspie Tough Love"* at it's best! Keep 'em coming!

(*Hmm ... could be the title of a new forum - something like the "Flip Side" of The Haven.)

Ooh, I love new forums! Not sure if I would dare post anything in the Aspie Tough Love Forum, being one of those "sensitive souls" and all. But still, that is an interesting idea; definitely something for Alex/the mods to think about adding to the site. :)

By the way Fnord, thanks for adding my point to the list. I appreciated that. :)


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23 Aug 2011, 11:13 pm

Fnord wrote:
ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
I can't believe you called my proposal a nanny state when all I suggested was a sensitive person might ask for sensitive replies in their opening topic post so people responding would be cognizant of that and take it into consideration. That way there are no misunderstandings. A nanny state would be telling every poster they have to post gently no matter what and that is not what I meant.

When did this thread become all about you?

Hehe, actually this post and the other one are all about you. They are a response to what you posted.


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24 Aug 2011, 2:29 am

Fnord wrote:
As for the list, here is what I have compiled so far:

Before you post, check this list. The answer to your question is probably here...
  • Any firmly-stated opinion is likely to have several equally firmly-stated opinions in opposition. Learn to deal with it.
  • Anyone who does not share your political, religious, or philosophical beliefs is not your enemy; nor are they stupid, ret*d, insane, evil, or a troll. They simply do not share your beliefs. They may also be right.
  • As different as we all are from each other, we are all here for similar reasons.
  • Asking for evidence to support your claims is not a personal attack. Ditto for simply disagreeing with your opinion - not everyone who disagrees with you is an evil troll in need of having a new anal sphincter ripped open by you...

I stopped reading when this list required me to scroll down. :lol:

  • The PPR forum is the antithesis of the haven. You have been warned.


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24 Aug 2011, 3:50 am

I'd add:

Making generalizations about neurotypicals is no more fair, valid or useful than making generalizations about autists.


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24 Aug 2011, 4:31 am

Lol oh dear is this qeep lol.


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24 Aug 2011, 4:46 am

The Phrase that NTs use is Get over it we are here as a community and too help each other and to stick togeather as a community we shouldnt be quick to judge or redicule people even if they talk about the subject over and over again. You seem rather upset and you projecting your anger on here isnt going to solve whatever issue you may have here I suggest if you have a problem with the website itself you take your concerns to Alex privately by email and leave us in the wrongplanet community continue to support each other and be a community thankyou.


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24 Aug 2011, 5:50 am

Jediyoda wrote:
The Phrase that NTs use is Get over it we are here as a community and too help each other and to stick togeather as a community we shouldnt be quick to judge or redicule people even if they talk about the subject over and over again. You seem rather upset and you projecting your anger on here isnt going to solve whatever issue you may have here I suggest if you have a problem with the website itself you take your concerns to Alex privately by email and leave us in the wrongplanet community continue to support each other and be a community thankyou.

It gets irritating when a new thread is started asking the same question as another one six rows down the page. Creating a thread like this is handy, because it condenses a lot of the wisdom into a single thread which newbies can peruse at their leisure, making it easier for them to find answers. Surely that is a good thing?


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24 Aug 2011, 7:11 am

Awesome thread had a great laugh
Fnord and ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo try to keep PPR issues at PPR

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24 Aug 2011, 10:08 am

Jediyoda wrote:
The Phrase that NTs use is Get over it we are here as a community and too help each other and to stick togeather as a community we shouldnt be quick to judge or redicule people even if they talk about the subject over and over again. You seem rather upset and you projecting your anger on here isnt going to solve whatever issue you may have here I suggest if you have a problem with the website itself you take your concerns to Alex privately by email and leave us in the wrongplanet community continue to support each other and be a community thankyou.

Agreed but it seems we are in the minority here.

  • Just don't post anything, because it might be something the more elite posters here don't like.


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24 Aug 2011, 10:18 am

Freak-Z wrote:
Jediyoda wrote:
The Phrase that NTs use is Get over it we are here as a community and too help each other and to stick togeather as a community we shouldnt be quick to judge or redicule people even if they talk about the subject over and over again. You seem rather upset and you projecting your anger on here isnt going to solve whatever issue you may have here I suggest if you have a problem with the website itself you take your concerns to Alex privately by email and leave us in the wrongplanet community continue to support each other and be a community thankyou.

Agreed but it seems we are in the minority here.

  • Just don't post anything, because it might be something the more elite posters here don't like.

Very sorry to point out(since im not a popular member) that "the clique incident"(people started complaining about how elite posters were taking over the adult section and they were asked to try to allow new members to post and stop bantering between them) proves that this is statement is false.

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