yes. oh boy. so many times i've had people suggest that i am "on something". i'm not. i don't need drugs! i mean, which drug could:
....put random strange ideas in my head (i.e. "can time be turned inside out? how about space?")
....make me fixate on inconsequential stuff, especially if it is sparkly or glittery?
....cause impulsive behaviour?
....convince me that stuffed animals are real when a friend makes them talk?
....make me forgetful about the stuff i have seen before so it all looks new and exciting again?
....allow me to be entertained for minutes or hours by the floaters behind my eyes or the afterimages on my retinas?
....get me excited that someone's phone number is a palindrome?
... i could go on and on...
I actually can think of a few that can do things like