Henbane wrote:
I like hebrew, although I've only ever managed to learn the alphabet and a few basic prayers. I like sanskrit too. And latin.
Maybe I just like languages I've used for prayers.
German is one of my least favourite languages. And I find arabic difficult to listen to. Both have an aggressive sound to me.
French sounds quite beautiful, as does spanish.
I can read some Hebrew prayers, but only in transliteration. The thing that confuses me is the pages turning the other way, I just get so muddled especially when everyone else knows what they are doing. I used to be able to say the 'Hail Mary' in Latin when I was at school but I can't remember it all now.
I know what you mean about Arabic, it can be a bit shouty. I like listening to nasheeds, which is the Qur'an being sung and that can sound quite beautiful.