Yes, I live near to two breweries, plus got a specialist beer shop close by.
Also I in an neighborhood thats locally known for its high quality of real ale pubs, yes I live on a pub crawl.
But my local pubs aren't international famous for there beer, there widely know for there history, architecture and famous guess!
I had an Innis & Gunn Original on Burns Night, it went well with haggis.
I got the following the fridge:
Coniston Bluebird
Wapping Beers Winter Ale
Peerless Full Whack
Liverpool Organic Kitty Wilkinson
Liverpool Craft Dark Icon
Liverpool Craft Tane Mahuta
The breweries in Liverpool itself look pretty damned poor, unless you count the likes of Cains.
I'd love to have a pint of Cains Dark Mild (3.2%) later in the day.