naturalplastic wrote:
During a nap I dreamt that some person (a niece or something) dragged me to a concert by Taylor Swift.It turned out to be at something like a highschool auditorium-with unattached metal chairs on a hard tile floor-instead of at the kinda venue she would actually play at these days.As she went into her first song she stepped off the first stage with her cordless mic and proceed to go down the aisle I happened to sitting at- we made eye contact- while not missing a note while singing she conveyed a silent invitation to me to join her. I stood up and we waltzed together while she sang. I assumed it was part of her act- and that she would proceed to pic other random guys to dance with out out of the audience- giving us each a few seconds. But she just let me stay in her arms for the whole song - or the whole time until my alarm clock went off. Never thought of myself as a Taylor Swift fan before, but- I liked that concert! So now am a fan of her.
I never thought of her as that powerful!
anyways, i dreamt my parents were still alive in an old house they used to own. i remember waking up in it and walking out into the hallway and finding several anomalies- for one, the thermostat was set to 90 degrees, which was awful, so i immediately reset it to 68. then i walked into the living room and the frame around the front door had been removed, exposing some old spider webs and a hidden shelf with some long-forgottten objects from my childhood [various electronic doodads like a plastic electroformer and a current converter] that i gazed at for a bit until my attention was taken by my dad walking into the living room and sitting down on the recliner. i asked him about the doorframe and he told me the reason he took the doorframe off was because the newspaper delivery person threw the paper at the door but an edge got stuck hard in the door frame, and when dad pulled it out the door frame fell apart.
then he showed me some old TED hose [Thrombo-Embolism Detterent] he didn't need anymore, said i should use them sometime, that i would eventually need them myself. i graciously took the from him but with a bit of "eew" factor because they were coated with his barely dead skin. i walk back to my bedroom and sat down on the bed and noticed on my bare feet some loose hanging tags of flaking skin so i started picking at them and one hanging thread turned into a sheet of epidermal skin as i was peeling it first away from my toe and then off the sole of my foot on one side, all the way back to my heel and up my ankle. strangely this did not hurt but the exposed dermis was sensitive for sure. then i noticed a piece of paper on my bed, it was a document of some kind but instead of having my actual waking name on it, it indicated my name for legal purposes was "narren r. nocto." strange. then i awoke.