hyperbolic wrote:
Graelwyn, how good of a student were you in elementary school? Do you identify with the goth movement? Can you sing well? Have you ever seriously considered immigrating to another country, such as Ireland or the USA? Those questions can be answered either yes/no (or good/bad) or open-ended, upon your choosing.
1) I was a good student up until the age of 11...what age is elementary school? I had a very good rote memory so did very well prior to that age. I loved learning facts and did very well in tests and languages. After that, it got more difficult as my obsessions really dominated my thoughts and I didn't bother with the work... I still did well though in spite of this.
2)I do not know much about the goth movement, but I did dress all in black for a long period until recently and I now listen to what might be considered goth music. I have always been interested in gothic books and movie genre, but I do not have piercings or anything like that and have never dyed my hair black,though I did consider it.
3)Yes, my voice is one of my gifts. I am voice trained to sing, and sing all the time...I cannot go a day without singing. I won some competitions when a child singing. I was always being given solos.
4)Yes, I once was close to dropping everything and moving to the USA when I fell in love with a male online...part native american man. We had a strong connection... it shows how deeply I love, lol, as we would have been living in a trailer and this was Minnesota, so very cold. And he did not have any work etc. But I really was that close to doing that before things went bad his end.
I am diagnosed as a human being.