This is going to sound out there but right now, snakes. For some reason animals are attracted to me, especially birds and reptiles. I moved to a location where there are a lot of snakes and lizards so it makes it tricky to hide from them. For the past few years it has been large lizards, think iguana sized, coming to my window or watching me outside while I garden. This is not paranoia, they have actually stuck themselves to my windows to look at me multiple times. One year a very large one would perch outside my window every day for about a month, people were amazed when they saw him. He was never aggressive to me, even when I got really close to him outside. Lately, the problem is snakes, I see that they are curious about me and want to approach me rather than slither off, which is creeping me out. I cannot garden in certain areas anymore because they would come and slither at my feet. So I'm staying away from the garden and only tending to my porch plants and they have found me. I had to call my spouse one day because one came to my front door and sat on the bench to stare at me through the window. I saw it slither away, sent my spouse pics and videos and had him check the porch when he got home and he found nothing. So I went back outside and not 5 minutes later the damned snake was back on the bench, this time staring at me, my spouse and my youngest.
So my main fear right now is snakes, because they are kinda stalking me. I love animals and I was able to get over my spider fear but the snakes, I just can't....