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09 Mar 2018, 10:21 am

I ate a nugget of dry cat food. It tasted gritty and yucky.


Joined: 25 Nov 2016
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09 Mar 2018, 10:26 am

It was funny that I loved to read about famous athletes at a time when I was not athletic at all. I used to consider myself the world's biggest klutz. I was pleased to find out I could actually play tennis and that my improvements have been steady. I could never do what the professionals do, of course, but maybe I could meet my favorite players someday.


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11 Mar 2018, 5:18 pm

Guess it depends what you count as weird. I remember in secondary school I used to carry a small umbrella with a strap that I would keep around my left wrist.

During times where I was waiting for lessons to start, I would drop and catch the umbrella twice, then on the count of three I would let it go and there was a section on the umbrella that you could press which extended the height, and when you turned it upside down and let it drop then it did this automatically without having to press the lever.

After letting it drop on the count of three, I would push down on the umbrella top, resetting it to the original height. Then I repeated the process, many times. Looking back, it probably came off as a bit strange. I would do this at school pretty much everywhere, near constantly. When I walked down the hallways, or waited for class, just repeatedly dropping, catching, dropping, then catching….it was oddly addictive and comforting.

Sometimes people would ask why I kept doing it, usually I just shrugged and gave a vague response.

I do have a tendency towards obsessive behaviours, and personally I think that I was quite bad for this at fifteen. At one point I had an obsession where when I was out walking I would have to stop, look behind me, then look at any lamp posts behind. :x

Overtime though I managed to break out of this obsession by limiting myself, I started out slow (instead of stopping at every single lamp post, I would stop at every second lamp post, then every third, and so on, so forth until I no longer felt compelled to stop at lamp posts).

I still find myself slipping into compulsive behaviours, but I’ve got quite good at catching myself, and slowly easing myself out of the cycle. Some are easier to break out of then others.

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25. Near the spectrum but not on it.


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11 Mar 2018, 5:20 pm

I used to carry a stick to the supermarket, make ape-like sounds, and "hunt" all the canned foods.

I was pretending to be an Australopithecine by the name of Oohkee.....

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31 Jan 2019, 2:14 pm

- Put a cold cheese stick on my eye when my eye felt sore
- Moon myself in the mirror
- Sing the national anthem wrong thinking it was funny
- Flick thin hangers or headbands up and down as a stim
- Constantly talk about burps and farts
- Smell my own feet and licking the bottom of them because I thought they tasted like salt. Same with hands
- Chewing pencils in 2nd grade
- Going into random classrooms in 1st grade to say hi and see what they looked like. My teacher got mad at me for doing this because I was late to class LOL
- Reading and watching potty training stuff when I was 6-7 because I thought bodily functions were funny.


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31 Jan 2019, 2:21 pm

Whenever the other kids wanted to play "Cops & Robbers" or "Cowboys & Indians" I wanted to play "Space Aliens & Earth People".