Now bear in mind that as I write this, the following locomotive is not finished, but I will explain the lengthy project so far...
A few years ago I purchased this along with the "Toby The Tram" donor locomotive.
Take a good look at the wheels and the height and position of the locomotive bonnet. You may find this useful as a guide to the work and alterations I have done to my model as I have been building the kit.
Well. You know me. I love to change things... I saw a Lima class 09 I had which had a chassis that I thought would suit the kit better, so what started out as a "That may fit" ended up being a major and delicate operation!
So the first plan was to take the Lima chassis and start to make the kit fit the chassis, along with making the chassis fit the kit!
I began to cut out a larger hole in the footplate.
Also, as my layout has sharp curves, I filed off the flanges from the centre wheels which involved carefully removing them and rotating them in the lathe where I then used a small handfile to remove the flanges. Note the difference between this chassis and the wheels and chassis i tended for the kit.