Would anybody like a tarot reading?
I see that family welfare is important to you, while you also enjoy entertaining strangers. An unannounced trip or visit is in the works, and some disruption to your household routine may occur. A good nap would be beneficial. Wear sunscreen when outside and drink lots of water. Do not forget your socks.
I also used to also include bits and pieces of Proverbs (the Bible) and the Desiderata (by Max Ehrmann, c1927) in my readings, because they helped me to sound wise and profound (none of my clients seemed to know the sources, and I would never tell them).
"A mocker seeks wisdom and finds none, but knowledge comes easily to the discerning. Stay away from a foolish man; you will gain no knowledge from his speech. The wisdom of the prudent is to discern his way, but the folly of fools deceives them." -- Proverbs 14:6-8
"Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself." -- (Desiderata, para 3)
Good and sound advice, but they do not really say anything about the client or his/her personal troubles.
Or do they?
Everybody has troubles, and a single vaguely-worded maxim goes a long way!
Sorry it took me so long to respond back.
You're right, I am very family-oriented. And I actually did experience a disruption to my plans exactly right after I last responded. Lol talk about weird!
Using passages from the bible sounds interesting. I dont consider myself a Christian though but yes the Bible is often vague enough to help anybody get whatever they wish out of it.
Anyways this was the reading I did for you using the King of Wands and ammonite fossil from my collection of crystals.
The Devil in reverse, Judgement in reverse, and The Moon in reverse.
You feel as though you are now more free to live life for yourself. The chains that once confined you to a more disciplined lifestyle are now broken and you are free. After years of hard work in the military and working various other jobs to support yourself you may be setting your sights on retirement soon. And there was probably an addiction or bad habit in your past that you have had to overcome. I see by The Moon in reverse that you are letting go of what fears and worries you may have had about retirement and are getting ready to go through with it. One word of caution: The moon always represents ones mental state so be sure to take care of your mental health so you can enjoy your twilight years!
Where would you like to go when you retire? Maybe somewhere with warmer weather like an Island?
♡ The Clergy
◇ The Merchants
♧ The Peasants
♤ The Military
But that could not happen, right?
Nice try, though!

Aww shucks!

Well I'll try harder next time if you like.

♡ The Clergy
◇ The Merchants
♧ The Peasants
♤ The Military
To avoid a completely "cold" reading, I would park myself in a room that was separated from the retail section of the New Age shop I worked in by a tall partition, and listen in on the chatter going on between the cashier, the customers, the people they had brought with them. Then, during the reading, I would spring something the client had said (or that had been said to the client) on the client. Almost always, the reaction was "How did you know?"
If I could, I would also note the vehicle in which they had arrived, and which other shops in the strip mall they had visited before coming in for a reading ("hmm ... Lulu's Lingerie, huh? Gonna be a hot time in the old town tonight!"). This would give me a pretty good idea of their economic and/or social status; and the bumper stickers and window clutter would tell me their other interests.
All of this led to a "warm" reading; a much more successful -- and profitable -- reading.
A "hot" reading would occur after a few visits, when I had accumulated enough background on the client to give a very detailed reading. That is when things really got interesting as the client would start insisting that I was a true "psychic" despite my denials.
Good times!
Joined: 23 Nov 2006
Age: 35
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If I could, I would also note the vehicle in which they had arrived, and which other shops in the strip mall they had visited before coming in for a reading. This gave me a pretty good idea of their economic and/or social status; and the bumper stickers and window clutter would tell me their other interests.
All of this led to a "warm" reading; a much more successful -- and profitable -- reading.
A "hot" reading would occur after a few visits, when I had accumulated enough background on the client to give a very detailed reading. That is when things really got interesting as the client would start insisting that I was a true "psychic" despite my denials.
Good times!
That's exactly what worked for Marie Laveau you know.

But I have to admit that there are other times when my cards are so spot on in a prediction that it shocks me. Just ask auntblabby. I remember not too long ago my cards predicted that Mike Richards would not be the next host of Jeopardy because of scandals involving women and that Mayim Bialik would replace him. He stepped down a week later and even I was surprised by that. Keep in mind that I dont watch the show and I had no idea who he or Mayim were (other than that she was on The Big Bang Theory). So that convinced me that maybe sometimes there really is something to these cards.

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Joined: 23 Nov 2006
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Posts: 72,878
Location: Portland, Oregon

King of Swords
Question for the reading: Will I find myself a place in my dream career of journalism?
Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!
Here you go Brother Anonymous!
The High Priestess, The Emperor, and The Lovers in reverse.
The High Priestess points to seeking unobtainable dreams and desires. She also represents wisdom and psychic intuition. You are seeking something that is just out of reach. She also represents a deep thirst for hidden secrets and knowledge (very fitting for someone who wishes to be a journalist)
The Emperor represents somebody in your life who is protective yet controlling. Most likely a father figure (or a mother or both parents). It is a card of stability but also of control. Perhaps someone in your life is keeping you from obtaining your dream career in journalism?
Finally The Lovers in reverse. If you persue your dream there will be trouble and drama. Not everyone will be happy for you for whatever reason. It may cause stress in your relationships.
But I'll be honest with you. Sometimes you just gotta make sacrifices when it comes to your own personal happiness. It's a tough choice between home security with family and following your dream in a tough world such as this one. That's especially true for us Aspies.
You alone must make the choice between safety or adventure in the end. Hope that helps!
♡ The Clergy
◇ The Merchants
♧ The Peasants
♤ The Military
Here is a reading I decided to do for myself. A 12 card reading, one for each month of the year. To see where we were, where we are, and where will go.
Boy what a crazy decade this is turning out to be!
So I'm going to use a combination of the Lenormand Method as well as card combos listed in this guide book you can see a glimpse of in the bottom left corner.
January: 6 of Diamonds. The Clover. A small bit of good luck.
February: Queen of Clubs. The Snake. Betrayal, jealousy, cheating, lies, etc.
March: 6 of Spades. The Tower. The Government. A government building.
April: 9 of Spades. The Anchor. Work and Stability. Perseverance.
May: 9 of Hearts. The Horseman. A messenger from afar. Bringing news of change.
June: 9 of Clubs: The Fox. A crafty and deceptive individual.
July: Queen of Spades. The Bouquet of Flowers. Recovery, healing, a peace offering, a declaration of love.
August: (Where we are now) 6 of Hearts. The Star. Hope, vision, success, and a new path forward.
September: King of Hearts. The House. Home, family, and property.
October: Ace of Spades. The Lady. An important woman.
November: Queen of Hearts. The Stork. Moving from one property to another. Or the birth of a child.
December: 7 of Clubs. The Mice. Theft, loss, decay, disease, stress.
And now I'm going to study what some of these card combos might mean.
Three Queens: Quarrels, disputes, and backbiting.
Three Sixes: A superb entertainment.
Three Nines: A good removal.
A 9 and 6 of Spades: A bitter and implacable enemy.
A 9 of Hearts and 9 of Clubs: Something to do with a will.
Take from this reading whatever you guys will.
♡ The Clergy
◇ The Merchants
♧ The Peasants
♤ The Military
Last edited by King0fSpades on 25 Aug 2021, 11:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
I admire what you're doing only because you're not trying to profit off of it. It's fun. This is why I wasn't crazy about those "skeptic activist groups" who were trying to get fun gimmicks banned from ebay. They seemed more concerned with control and forcing their beliefs on others.
Tell ya what. Give me a random reading (without checking the first). I'll then compare the accuracies and inaccuracies of both.
Tell ya what. Give me a random reading (without checking the first). I'll then compare the accuracies and inaccuracies of both.
Ok here we go!

This is a spread I learned from a book called '54 Devils' Cory Thomas Hutcheson. It was one of the very first guides I ever read on how to read regular playing cards.
In this spread you pick the King of Hearts for any male seeker (Queen of Hearts for female seekers).
First you shuffle the cards and split them in half. The two cards I pulled for you were 3 of Diamonds (A gift/A fountain) and 5 of Diamonds (laughter & fun).

Then I restack the cards with the tree of Diamonds placed on the bottom and the 5 of Diamonds placed in the middle. Then I reshuffle the cards until I pull your King of Hearts and a second card representing your internal or external influence.
Your external influence is the Ace of Clubs (solitude/a cave).

Finally I reshuffle the cards and lay them at the bottom then pick three cards that "feel right", then I can pick any number of cards after reading the first three to provide more insight on what the cards show me (I decided to pick three more).
First three were:
10 of Clubs (a herd or flock/clouds)
7 of Hearts (hate/fear)
3 of Spades: (battle/setbacks)
Ace of Hearts: (kiss/new romance/feeling lonely)
Queen of Spades: (cruel mother/seductress/jealousy/female rival)
6 of Hearts: (dog/loyalty/stamina)
So according to what these cards are showing me, it seems like there was a woman in your life who treated you very badly? But for some reason you still feel attached to her and are finding it hard to let go... I also sense a feeling of loneliness and isolation as well as trust issues.
What do you think? Is there any truth to this?
♡ The Clergy
◇ The Merchants
♧ The Peasants
♤ The Military