IdahoRose wrote:
I talk to my imaginary friends, but I suppose a more mature way of putting it is that I engage myself in long-winded, emotionally-fueled monologues.
I have done that all the time my entire life. I day dream a lot! I have used purely imaginary friends that I either make up directly or meet in dreams, or I have used real people that I either know IRL or know of via media and use them as a mold for imaginary friend. They are always connected to my current obsession. These "conversations" are dialogues.
When I was 10 I was on my way to school one day, day dreaming and "dialoguing" on the way. I looked up and noticed this man staring at me. I realised that I had been mumbling out loud as well as grimacing. I was so embarrassed. After that I have always tried to make sure that I neither speak out loud nor give it away with grimaces or similar. But I kept doing it in my mind.
Now I only talk out loud rarely, and always in connection with videogames et c. For instance mumbling "stupid cards" if I loose in Solitaire or Hearts, or mumbling disapprovingly when I see things on the net or Tv that anoys me. Only when I'm at home, though.
I have read that it is our ability to do this kind of thing that is the reason why a lot of aspies were misdiagnosed as schizophrenics before AS was an official diagnosis. (Many of us keep imaginary friends up to adult age, and some of us even then.) But I can't understand why. Schizophrenics have delusion that they believe in. We just day dream and make things up and know that it isn't real.
If you have problems with speaking out loud maybe you should use an MP3 player or walkman. Then if you should slip you can claim you were caught up in the music.