Mike61290 wrote:
I believe we should keep culling the aggressive gene out of the human race, our technology has basically stopped that process.
That's the direction we were heading, inability to cooperate and to be able to work together and share ideas is the only real thing that separates us from being monkeys. We evolve to address our needs, our increased intelligence and the ability to use tools is what caused us to gain thumbs. Our ability to work together is what defines us as being humans, you don't evolve physically without the need, monkeys gained longer arms because they needed to climb through trees faster, we gained thumbs because we had the knowledge but not the physical capability to use tools. Technically our thumbs could be considered a side effect of our knowledge. Well enough rambling.
At the very least I believe that these sorts of people shouldnt be allowed to have children, not only because it would pass on a sociopath gene it would also save lives in future generations, plus think of the type of father/mother figure these people would be.
If you really think about it, the death penalty saves resources, why keep them in prison, giving them a place to stay, food to eat. Just look at it this way, do nothing illegal, stay out of jail, food may be scarce so you're not guaranteed a meal. Yet if you just steal a car or kill someone then you are guaranteed a warm bed and a free meal, with your only concern being boredom and the occasional heavy breathing fun-seeker. Keeping these dead weights strapped to us is completely irrational especially if all they do is intentionally cause other people misery. Oh and I was talking about aggressive crazies in general.
Nah, seriously, it's really not as simple as that. Genetics and environmental factors combine, and there is some evidence to suggest that head injuries are what is to account for some antisocial, even sociopathic behaviour. Ever heard of reactive attachment disorder? I was almost diagnosed with it, and there's an example of environmental factors really messing you up.