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20 Aug 2022, 9:50 am

People who don't listen.

My veterinarian's assistant.
I have to buy all my pet food there because it's prescription. I have to order it on the phone which means she puts me on hold for 10 minutes to serve people on site. Then I wait a few days, then answer a phone call to be told it's in stock, then drive there (15 mins), then stand at her desk for 30 minutes whilst she finds the food and processes my payment.

Repeat x 4 animals who never seem to be on the same purchase schedule, x dry food, x wet food.
It's a full-time job contacting her and getting the stupid food.

Me (on phone): Can I order online next time, so I don't have to use the phone? It would be so much easier.

Her: Sure, just ring me and I'll order it for you. (???)

Me: Can't I order it by email or do you have a purchase portal?

Her: I'm always here so just give me a shout when you need more.

Me: (smh) - Can I pay online before I arrive, so it's ready to go?

Her: When you pop in to pick it up, I'll scan it for you and print your receipt.

Duh -- I've been doing all that already.

How do people get those jobs when they're so stunned?

I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.


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20 Aug 2022, 6:04 pm

Sub counter at the grocery store:
Being in line behind people who know what the choices are and have known but can't make up their mind what they want.

Example: There was a woman that couldn't make up her mind so she actually called her husband/boyfriend to ask him about the subs he'd brought home one time before that she liked. It was not a short conversation, either. When the dude behind the counter politely reminded her that other customers were waiting behind her she snapped "Can't you see I'm on the phone!! !" and went back to her little chat.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson


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21 Aug 2022, 9:22 am

Sleepless nights.

The Family Enigma


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21 Aug 2022, 10:24 am

When I open a thread and then realise it's just been resurrected from about 15 years ago.

It's more of a petty peeve that a pet peeve but it's a peeve all the same.

We have existence


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21 Aug 2022, 4:04 pm

When people here make a whole subforum about them, and threads created by others don't get noticed.



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22 Aug 2022, 6:16 am

Loud people in both senses.


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22 Aug 2022, 6:40 pm

The phrase 'my truth'.

My truth = non-negotiable personal opinion.

I don't follow society's rules. But that doesn't mean there aren't rules I have to follow when the Dark Passenger calls.

Don't be so eager to be offended. The narcissism of small differences leads to the most boring kind of conformity.


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24 Aug 2022, 3:13 am

Those lower people that manage to get on the bus without paying the fare, which I see every day, and the bus drivers that allow that to happen. If the driver can allow some people to not pay, then they should allow all people to do the same.


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25 Aug 2022, 7:01 am


"A loaded gun won't set you free. So you say." - Ian Curtis


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25 Aug 2022, 8:08 am

When autocorrect keeps correcting "put" to "out".

When people assume that just because I'm 32 my boyfriend is/should be approximately 32 too.



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25 Aug 2022, 11:02 am

People in the UK thinking only Americans have certain words for things, such as an "elevator" instead of a "lift", when in Canada we use most of those same words too and it doesn't mean we're stupid or inferior.

But then again, a chesterfield is a couch, a touque is a hat, and it's "zed" not "zee". Although I have the unpopular opinion that "zed" just sounds dumb because it doesn't rhyme with any of the other letters and messes up the ending to the Alphabet Song. :)


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25 Aug 2022, 12:18 pm

Things that take away so much and yet give or give back very little in return.

I am sick, and in so being I am the healthy one.
If my darkness or eccentricity offends you, I don't really care.
I will not apologize for being me.

There is no such thing as perfect. We are beautiful as we are. With all our imperfections, we can do anything.


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26 Aug 2022, 6:16 am

When you create a serious thread asking about a bug that's frustrating you, and people think it's OK to joke and pretend to present the bug in their posts or something, then when you don't like it they tell you to get a sense of humour.



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26 Aug 2022, 9:37 am

People who think, "Look at me, I'm quirky! That makes me funny!" and then try to be funny but fail miserably at it. Although it makes me feel better about the cringe-inducing things I've said or done over the years.

People who think I'm being funny and laugh when I'm actually being serious. And then they're really hurt and confused when I get mad at them. Sure, I do like to be funny and make others laugh, but I do have a very serious side.


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26 Aug 2022, 9:55 am

Greater respect being given to violent speech than to sexual speech -- it is okay to incite violence against someone or against certain groups; but honest and open discussions of sexual matters are prohibited.


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26 Aug 2022, 12:09 pm

1. When people ask you a question and you answer the best that you can so people pin you with, "No, that's not my question."

2. When people automatically assume that because someone has a lesser budget they can't afford anything.

3. When people dismiss you with "That's cool" whenever you try and talk to them about your interests, life, etc. I just think that's so rude.