League_Girl wrote:
My issue is the opposite then because my misunderstandings seem to happen online but in real life not so much maybe because of my tone of voice and body language so people can see that I am not being rude or snotty and all not matter how I am wording it. Online, people only see text so people like to read into things.
I have selective mutism, I don't make eye contact, and I have an auditory processing delay.
People misread me irl because of this and I understand why.
It's frustrating when I can't read their behaviours or when they aren't consistent.
Online is easier for me because I can read and reread the conversations.
Sometimes people think I'm blunt, but it's not meant to be rude.
I was taught in school "Never use two words where one will do", so I use words precisely.
I don't know if that's because of my autism, or my degrees in English.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.