Christmas: my mom decorates the crap outta the house (but not cheap cringey decor, like should-be-in-a-magazine decor), we do Secret Santa between all the siblings, we make a lot of Holiday cookies, Christmas pictures (of course
), Christmas Eve dinner is Chinese, open siblings presents on Christmas Eve, wait for everyone to wake up, open presents in size order (my mom organizes our gifts based vaguely on size/price to give out in order so its all even), Christmas breakfast is cinnamon rolls, and then like whatever we want for the rest of the day (I go give my ponies their presents).
Also: Secret Santa with my friends and our annual barn Holiday party
Easter: not much of anything anymore lol. Me and all my siblings (Im the youngest at 18) plus significant others still all get Easter baskets from my mom and we have an Easter brunch at our house
Halloween: CANDY (not that I get to eat any lol) Also the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, Haunted Houses (which I suck at), and random costumes with friends.
Valentines: my mom gives everyone in the family Valentines. Its sweet.
Since I live in America-
Thanksgiving: every other year is moms family at our house or (part of)dads family at my aunts house. Good home cooked food and lots of family pictures. I dont do Black Friday but I definitely do Cyber Monday
July 4th: fireworks in the street first, than over to our friends house for the towns fireworks. Lots of food and sparklers and typically alcohol as well lol. I tend to go down to my cousins house for the 4th and their community does theirs on the golf course with a golf cart decorating contest.
Whats your favorite place to vacation to?
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